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November 2004 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Enhancement of Ranging & Positioning by.

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Presentation on theme: "November 2004 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Enhancement of Ranging & Positioning by."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 2004 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Enhancement of Ranging & Positioning by Combining TOA & TDOA] Date Submitted: [21 July, 2005] Source: [Kwan-Ho Kim(1), Sungsoo Choi(1), Youngjin Park(1), Hui-Myoung Oh(1), Yoan Shin(2), Won Cheol Lee(2), and Ho-In Jeon(3)] Company: [(1)Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute(KERI), (2)Soongsil University(SSU), and (3)Kyung-Won University(KWU)] Address: [(1)665-4, Naeson 2-dong, Euiwang-City, Kyunggi-do,Republic of Korea (2) 1-1, Sangdo-5-dong, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (3)San 65, Bok-Jeong-dong, Seongnam, Republic of Korea] Voice:[(1) , (2) , (3) ], FAX: [(1) , (2) , (3) ], Re: [] Abstract: [This document proposes proposal for the IEEE alternate PHY standard.] Purpose: [Final Proposal for the IEEE a standard] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

2 Enhancement of Ranging & Positioning by Combining TOA & TDOA
November 2004 Enhancement of Ranging & Positioning by Combining TOA & TDOA KERI-SSU-KWU Republic of Korea K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

3 Contents Introduction Signal waveforms
November 2004 Contents Introduction Signal waveforms Energy Detection Receiver Architecture Enhancement Ranging and Positioning based on TOA and TDOA Method Simulation results K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

4 November 2004 Introduction KERI, SSU, and KWU proposed a Ranging and Positioning Scheme based on SORP. SORP provides a low power, low cost, non-coherent ranging and positioning. It, however, suffers from the clock drift error due to many number of signal transmission. Ternary codes with Time Hopping for the provision of SOP supportability has been adopted for our simulation K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

5 Signal waveform using Ternary code
November 2004 Signal waveform using Ternary code Ranging Preamble can be constructed by repeating ternary code TOA information is obtained accumulation across PRI Integrator integrates over the 1.5 ns 60ns 1920ns K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

6 Signal waveform using TH & Ternary code
November 2004 Signal waveform using TH & Ternary code To mitigate SOP interference, each piconet is assigned a different time hopping sequence. Ex) Piconet 1 = In addition to ‘0’, the number of 32 ternary code is used. 60ns 1920ns K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

7 First Energy Detection Receiver Architecture
November 2004 First Energy Detection Receiver Architecture RER ADC Accumulator BPF ( )2 LPF/ Integrator Window Buffers Accumulator offset DC level estimator Sliding Correlator Coarse/Fine Timing Detector ToA Information Energy detector yields an energy signal w.r.t received signal. Analog LPF operates to provide the DC offset. DC bias existing on the input to ADC is removed. RER(Ranging Error Reduction) may reduce the noise suppression and eliminate the uncertainty of the first path arrival. Fine ranging can be provided by the estimated TOA through comparator with the predetermined threshold. K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

8 Energy Detection Receiver Architecture
November 2004 Energy Detection Receiver Architecture Integrator integrates over the 1.5ns Sliding Correlator 1 : In the initialization process, the transmitted TH code is estimated by using the sliding correlation of TH mask.  Alleviates the problem of SOP interference Sliding Correlator 2 : Estimate the first arrival time by performing the correlation. Sliding Correlator 2 Energy Combining ToA Estimator BPF ( )2 LPF/ Integrator ADC 1D  2D 1D  2D Rearrange Sliding Correlator 1 TH code detection 2D  1D K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

9 Initialization process to find TH code
November 2004 Initialization process to find TH code TH mask set ADC 1D  2D Sliding Correlator 2D  1D TH code 획득 Preamble length 1 2 3 M M+1 M+2 M+3 M+K SFD Payload 1 2 N 1D  2D Th Tpri TH mask set N = 4 M = K = 12 2D  1D Acquire corresponding TH code K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

10 TOA detection process Sliding windowing TH mask November 2004 ADC
ToA Estimator Th Tpri TP ADC 1D  2D Sliding Correlator Energy Combining Preamble length 1 2 3 M M+1 M+2 M+3 M+K SFD Payload Acquisition Channel sounding 1 2 N TH mask Sliding windowing 1symbol 2symbol 1D  2D Energy window idex Ternary mask TOA Estimator K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

11 Process of SORP Scheme with TOA/TDOA [doc. 0615-01]
November 2004 Process of SORP Scheme with TOA/TDOA [doc ] P_FFDs : Independent operation Unknown Universal Reference Time causing T_offset TOA measurement K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

12 More Details of SORP for Obtaining TDOAs
November 2004 Distances among the positioning FFDs are calculated from RTT measurements and known time interval T Using observed RTT measurements and calculated distances, TOAs/TDOAs are updated RTT12 = T + 2T12 RTT23 = T + 2T23 RTT13 = T12 + 2T + T23 + T13 T12 = (RTT12 – T)/2 T23 = (RTT23 – T)/2 T13 = (RTT13 – T12 – T23 – 2T) RTT34 = T34 + T + T34 TOA34 = (RTT34 - T)/2 RTT24 = T23 + T + T34 + T + T24 TOA24 = (RTT24 - T23 - TOA34 - 2T) RTT14 = T12 + T + T23 + T + T34 + T + T14 TOA14 = (RTT14 - T12 - T23 - TOA34 - 3T) TDOA12 = TOA14 – TOA24 TDOA23 = TOA24 – TOA34 K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

13 Ranging Error due to Clock Drift
November 2004 Ranging Error due to Clock Drift tp : propagation delay TAT TBR reply time(T) Device A Device B to : clock drift TAR TBT Assumptions : tp : 30 ns, reply time(T) : 1 ms Device A : +10PPM, Device B : -10PPM tp = ((TAR – TAT) - (TBR – TBT))/2 = ((1e-3+60e-9)(1+10e-6) – (1e-3)(1-10e-6))/2 = ( e-3 – 1e e-8 + 1e-8)/2 = 40ns Longer Reply time cause more effect due to clock drift Timing error of 10ns causes Ranging Error of 3m. K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

14 TOA, TDOA Ranging Method(1)
November 2004 TOA, TDOA Ranging Method(1) The ranging error due to Clock drift can be avoided by using SDS-TWR(IEEE ) and difference of long term(TT) Ranging can be obtained by TOA and TDOA Robust to GDOP problem Ranging performance can be enhanced by using threshold of energy level. TDOA Ranging(only) TDOA & TOA Ranging K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

15 TOA, TDOA Ranging Method
November 2004 TT RTTT_A T TAG TT’ Reference B RTTA_T Master : TX Beacon A TOAT_A T’ TT’’ Reference C mA_B TAG : RX Master Beacon B TOAT_B TA_B TT’’’ Reference A mB_C Beacon C TOAT_C TA_C TOAT_A = ((RTTT_A – T) + (RTTA_T – T’))/4 TOAT_B = (TOAT_A + T’ + TA_B) – mA_B  ’’ where, ’’ = (TT’’/TT) mA_B TOAT_C = (TOAT_A + T’ + TA_C) – mB_C  ’’’ where, ’’’ = (TT’’’/TT) mB_C TDOAA_B = TOAT_B – TOAT_A TDOAA_C = TOAT_C – TOAT_A K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

16 Comparison between proposed ranging types
November 2004 Comparison between proposed ranging types Mode 1 Mode 2 Proposed Mode Reference B Reference B Reference B sync sync sync Reference C Reference C TAG TAG TAG Reference C Master Master Master Reference A Reference A Reference A Type Mode1 Mode2 Pro_Mode SORP Information for Ranging TDOA TDOA +TOA TDOA+TOA Ranging Performance in Bad GDOP Poor Good The number of communication 5 7 Needed function of TAG Rx Tx Tx, Rx TOA or TDOA accuracy Assumption : Error due to clock offset =  Error due to clock drift =  6 9 9+3 K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

17 Parameter conditions(1)
November 2004 Terms Definition Value in Simulations Tp Pulse duration 2 ns Tf Pulse repetition interval 60 ns Tb Symbol duration 1920 ns Sample Period Sampling interval 0.025 ns # of Preamble Symbols The number of Symbols 12 Win_Bank Size Integration size 1.5 nsec K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

18 Simulation results(1) November 2004 - Channel Model : Residential LOS environment(CM1) - Eb/No : 9dB BPF ( )2 LPF/ Integrator ADC 1D  2D Sliding correlator I2R Ranging method Sliding correlator 1D  2D Accumulator Coarse TOA Fine TOA Proposed Ranging method K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

19 November 2004 Simulation results(2) - Channel Model : Residential LOS Environment (CM8) - Eb/No : 9dB BPF ( )2 LPF/ Integrator ADC Sliding correlator Leading edge The detection of leading edge depends on the threshold of ADC. K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

20 Parameter Conditions (2)
November 2004 Parameter Conditions (2) 4bytes Terms Value in Simulations tp 2 nsec th 15 nsec tpri 60 nsec thpri 480 nsec ts 1.92 sec Integration length 1.5 nsec Bandwidth 2 GHz Sampling period 0.025 nsec Preamble length 4bytes The number of bit per symbol 2 Preamble SFD Payload 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 ts 1 2 4 thpri 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 tpri 1 2 4 th K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

21 Simulation results(1) Initialization for detecting TH code
November 2004 Simulation results(1) Initialization for detecting TH code TH code set 1D  2D Sliding Correlator 1 2D  1D TH code detection BPF ( )2 LPF/ Integrator ADC Simulation Conditions Clock speed : 500MHz Channel model : CM1 Analog integration size : 1.5ns 8-ary TH code : Barker code used Eb/No = 9dB 1D  2D Integrate over th(15ns) and rearrange it in 2D array at thPRI (480ns) Sliding Correlator1 Correlate the signal with TH code 2D  1D Energy Combining K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

22 November 2004 Simulation results(2) Process to detect leading edge using Ternary code mask TH code mask Sliding Correlator 2 Energy Combining ToA Estimator BPF ( )2 LPF/ Integrator ADC 1D  2D Leading edge 1D  2D Rearrange in 2D Array at thPRI (480ns) Sliding Correlator2 Correlate the signal with Ternary code mask Energy Combining Combine them at ts. K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

23 November 2004 Conclusion (1/2) Suggested an enhanced Ranging and Positioning Mechanism based on Energy Detection receiver. Option I Signal waveform : Same as I2R’s proposal Ternary code has been used to estimate the arrival time Could find an accurate arrival time by using noise reduction method and accumulations. Option II Signal waveform : Combination of Timing Hopping and Ternary Code Robust to SOP interference. TH code has been used to estimate the rough receiving time. Accurate timing has been obtained by using Ternary and its correlations. K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

24 November 2004 Conclusion (2/2) It does not guarantee a good result when the PRI is not large enough. Combination of TOA with TDOA provided better ranging and positioning performance. Could provide better performance for the bad GDOP case. The performance of ranging can be enhanced to a great extent when a proper selection of threshold level can made. K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

25 November 2004 Acknowledgment This work has been supported partly by HNRC of IITA and TTA. K. Kim, S. Choi, Y. Park, H. Oh, Y. Shin, W. Lee, and H. Jeon

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