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Battletech Goal Why To recreate the table top game environment in Java

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2 Battletech Goal Why To recreate the table top game environment in Java
Practice and develop my skill set with both Java and NetBeans Why This is a game I have always enjoyed To see put my knowledge to the test

3 Data All components in the battlemech were built as separate objects.
Game rules are coded into the objects where necessary. Game engine actions are based on the current game phase. Game play is with two six-sided dice, and this is represented with a random generator.

4 Data Record keeping is accomplished within the instantiated objects.
This abstracts the game record sheet into a different form, minimizing the level of player overhead for details such as, heat level, movement and firing modifiers. Access is through get and set methods.




8 Accomplishments As of today, I have a rough GUI that will display data about a given battlemech. I have implemented a canvas that draws the hex game board, and one battlemech. The parts that build up a battlemech have all been built, and have appropriate accessor methods. At this point I consider this an Alpha implementation of the program.

9 Current System Design Mouse Events Game Window UI Update Player's
Battlemech Dice Roll Generator Mech Body Game Phase Engine Mech Components


11 Challenges In getting to this point, I had determined that I wanted to implement all the pieces and parts of the game as objects. This allowed me to define a few generic objects that I could extend into the remaining parts. By building generic parts, I could define the methods for all the parts, and hopefully minimize the type checking later.

12 Part Definition Part object extends into
Engine, Gyro, Cockpit, Arm and Leg Actuators, Heat Sinks, and Weapons Weapons object extends into Lasers (Large, Medium, Small) Missiles (Long Range and Short Range) Ballistics (Autocannons and Machine guns)

13 Battlemech The MechBody object itself is made up of more objects. I have an inner structure object that maintains overall access to all the parts objects. The MechBody is also where we maintain armor and heat levels. In essence I am recreating the physical record as a collection of objects.

14 UI Prototyping


16 Conclusions I feel like I am going the right direction to represent the game as a computer program. I neglected to keep track of my time, so I can't give an accurate count of the hours spent. For the program to be useable, I need to make progress on the game engine. Up to this point I have been more focused on the battlemech itself, setting up the objects and their methods. I had some personal challenges that ate up time that I needed to dedicate to this project.

17 Conclusions I have found that my knowledge with the GUI construction is very limited, and this has been an excellent project to push that knowledge forward. This is a project that I plan on working with for quite a while, and now I have a reasonable start on it.

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