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“What it Takes to Make a Healthy Community”

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1 “What it Takes to Make a Healthy Community”
Weld County School District 6 Nutrition Services Natalie Leffler Rehurek Food Hub Manager Self-intro, role at D6 Presentation will cover: farm to school at a national level and at D6; current state of school food (national and D6); school gardens; and our future goals/plans and vision

2 Farm to School: A (Growing) National Movement
USDA Farm to School Consensus (2015) 42% of districts surveyed say they participate in Farm to School activities $790 million in local purchases Several studies estimate that buying local food has a multiplier effect of 1.4 to 2.6 throughout the local economy; for every dollar spent locally, another $0.40 to $1.60 of economic activity is generated. (USDA) USDA Support Regional Farm to School Staff Members Grant Programs Toolkits and Technical Assistance/Support Colorado F2S Task Force In 2010, the Colorado General Assembly created the Task Force to study, develop, and recommend policies and methods to best implement a Farm to School program.  In 2013, the Assembly reauthorized the Task Force, to be continued indefinitely. Colorado Proud School Meal Day – CO Dpt. of Ag Governor Proclamation (annual) Farm to School is embedded and widespread; not a fad or something that will fade away Good nutrition = good learners (highlight importance) What does it take to make a healthy community? Collaboration, leveraging assets, persistence, vision, foundations to be built upon

3 School Food Reform: A Progress Report
Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) More than 96% of schools report they are successfully meeting the nutritional standards (USDA, 2015) Required to serve fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy, along with reduced calories, sodium, sugar, and fat content Let’s Move: Salad Bars to Cafeterias Applies to Vending as well as Meal Service D6’s Approach: Nourishing Students, Creating Success! School Food Renaissance – began in 2010 From-Scratch Cooking Centralized Meal Production 80% of main and side dishes are prepared from-scratch Trained Workforce Seasonal, rotating menus Upwards of 14,000 meals prepared daily Let’s Move: Chefs to Schools Local Procurement: milk, produce, meat Salad Bars: every school, every day Soda-Free Zones Student Wellness Initiatives HHFKA: First (positively impactful) updates to NSLP in 30 years! Locally produced sunflower cooking oil Connections and access to healthy food

4 School Gardens Gardens at elementary, middle, and high schools
Future gardens to come Garden to Cafeteria Program Financial support Ownership and empowerment Food safety is critical Acceptance/willingness towards fruits and vegetables Reinforced and project based/experiential learning Access to play and healthy food Where, how many, when? Garden to Cafeteria program: helping NS bottom line Why school gardens?

5 Future Plans Food Hub Development
Developing an aggregate, re-packing, processing, and re-distribution system Offer locally sourced and from-scratch prepared foods to other institutions 13 school districts within a 30 mile radius of Greeley-Evans Ag Literacy and Foodsense Reinforced, experiential learning opportunities Bringing Urban Gardens to Schools – B.U.G.S. garden-based curriculum Aligned with state academic standards Chef in the Classroom Farmer in the Classroom Farm Field Trips Food Waste: Prevention and Productive Management Prevention is #1 Love School Food Hate Waste awareness campaign Hierarchy (per EPA) Share Tables Food Donations and Supper Program Collection for animal feed Composting (pre-consumer) food waste at central production kitchen After one year, 1,000 gallons of food scraps have been diverted Food Hub: full development plan Ag Literacy/Foodsense: making the connection to food production/systems Food waste: focused efforts; CSU Pre-consumer food waste audit; under development – many opportunities

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