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College of Alameda Integrated Planning and Budgeting Process

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1 College of Alameda Integrated Planning and Budgeting Process 2014-15
Prepared by: Dr. Eric Gravenberg Interim President 9/15/2014

2 Annual Strategic Goals & Institutional Outcomes
Phase One: Campus Integrated Planning Timeline August: Strategic Goals President presents college with strategic goals and institutional outcomes for September: Delivery of Institutional Data to Departments to Initiate Annual Program Updates October: Faculty submit APUs to Deans – end of the month November: Shared Governance Review 1.Deans review/prioritize/recommend to College Council 2. College Council reviews and recommends to President December: President reviews Synthesis and summary to campus and district Campus Participatory Governance: 1. College Council (sub- committees) 2. Academic Senate 3. Classified 4. ASCOA 5. Department Chairs 6. Student Services Council Strategic Planning focus: facilities, staffing and equipment

3 District Committee Timeline
Committees: Technology Facilities, Education Establish goals and objectives Committees Planning and Budget Council Reviews District-wide Committee Requests Chancellor & Cabinet Priorities Established Personnel Technology Facilities September Identify and recommend priorities October/November December

4 Annual Strategic Goals & Institutional Outcomes
Phase Two: Integrated Budget Preparation: January: 1. PBC feedback to college 2. Governor’s proposed budget released February: Budget Development 1. Budget instructions to departments 2. Departments finalize budgets March: Proposed Budget Scenarios Developed Shared governance groups and stakeholders review proposed budgets April: Preliminary budget submission Budget submitted to the district for Campus Participatory Governance Committees: 1. College Council (sub- committees) 2. Academic Senate 3. Classified 4. ASCOA 5. Department Chairs 6. Student Services Council

5 Annual Strategic Goals & Institutional Outcomes
Phase Three: Budget Revisions and Adoption May: Governor’s May Revise Tentative budget presented to the Chancellor District evaluation - Campus budget adjustments President confers with shared governance groups June: Board of Trustees Trustees review and approve tentative budget District initiates budget set-up July: District Mission and Strategic Goals August: District-wide Summit

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