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Biology Review Chapter 8 and 9

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1 Biology Review 2018 - Chapter 8 and 9
Thile ATP, Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration


3 Photosynthesis Happens only in autotrophs – plants, some bacteria
Captures sunlight energy and converts it into chemical energy (food) that the autotroph can use for energy. Pigment molecules (chlorophyll, xanthophyll etc. ) found in chloroplasts in leaf cells capture different wavelenth’s of light available.




7 Two reactions in photosynthesis
Light Dependent reaction Light Independent reaction (Calvin Cycle)

8 Cellular Respiration Happens in all living things…animals and plants and bacteria! Glucose and other food is converted into ATP molecules that cells can use to do work. Happens in the Mitochondria of cells. Equation

9 Three stages in Cellular Respiration

10 Aerobic or NOT (Anaerobic)

11 Fermentation – NO oxygen


13 TOTAL ATP In Anaerobic respiration only 2ATP molecules are made per 1 molecule of glucose (only glycolysis occurs followed by fermentation) In Aerobic respiration 36ATP molecules are made because all three stages of cellular respiration occur (2ATP in glycolysis, 2ATP in Krebs Cycle, 32ATP in ETC)

14 Exercise 0 to 2 seconds – ATP that is stored in the cells (small amount). 2 seconds to 2 minutes – ATP made from lactic acid fermentation (Glycolysis makes small amounts of ATP but can go thousands of times a second). 2 minutes to 15/20minutes – ATP made from cellular respiration (using glucose and glycogen in the cells as fuel). 20 minutes and longer – ATP made from cellular respiration (using fat storage in the body as fuel.)

15 Photosynthesis versus Cellular Respiration

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