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NIIF Summary Report Activities since the NIIF #46 meeting

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1 NIIF Summary Report Activities since the NIIF #46 meeting
January 27, 2005 Stu Goldman NIIF Co Chair

2 NIIF Leadership Network Interconnection/Interoperability Forum
NIIF Co Chair: Stu Goldman (Lucent) NIIF Co Chair: Vacant Network Inter-Operability Committee NIOC Co Chair: Robin Meier (SBC) NIOC Co Chair: Bob Amling (Telcordia) Network Interconnection/Interoperability Forum NRRIC Co Chair: Dena Hunter (Level(3)) NRRIC Co Chair: Rod Shaul (Telcordia)

3 Meetings Held from October 18, 2004 to January 27, 2005
October 27, NIIF Issue #0253, Substantive Updates to NIIF 0015, Intercompany Responsibilities Within the Telecommunications Industry Document November 8, 2004 – NRRIC Full Conference Call to Review Objections to Issue #0228 being place in initial closure or going to final closure November 10, Issue #0257, Updating the NIOC Mission Statement November 10, 2004 – Issue #0239, NIIF 0008 Telecommunications Relay Service Technology Updates December 10, 2004 – Issue #0239, NIIF 0008 Telecommunications Relay Service Technology Updates December 15, 2004 – NIIF Issue #0253, Substantive Updates to NIIF 0015, Intercompany Responsibilities Within the Telecommunications Industry Document January 11, 2005 NRRIC #26, Atlanta, Georgia January 12-14, 2005 – NIOC #47 January 26, 2005 – Issue #0250, Guidelines for the Use of Charge Number Field, joint NIOC / OBF Billing committee conference call

4 Key Initiatives NIOC NRRIC Roaming Wireless Call Difficulties
HPC Call Treatment References (GETS) Jurisdiction Information Parameter (JIP) High Volume Call In (HVCI) Events VoIP NRRIC Joint OBF/ISOP Initiative to Create Key Fields between the ASR Process and the Telcordia LERG Routing Guide Embedded Wireless NPA-NXX OCNs Routing to International Satellite Network

5 Correspondence Sent: N/A

6 Correspondence (cont.)
Received: NIIF Correspondence Received # : Correspondence from the INC to Industry Forums/Committees regarding INC Issue 459: Request to Consolidate Country Code 1 Number Assets of the United States Department of the Navy for a Newly Issued Area Code

7 NIIF New Issues Issue #0258: National Security/ Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) calls may encounter difficulties when some portion of the call is served by VoIP technology Issue #0259, Update of NIIF 5020 (Part V – Testline Guidelines) Issue #0260, VoP/VoIP and NIIF Testing Guidelines

8 NIIF Issues in Initial Closure
Issue #0207: Roaming Wireless 710 Call Difficulties Issues in Initial Pending: Issue #0231: Excessive Call Duration – Centrex Lines

9 NIIF Issues in Final Closure
Issues Placed in Final Closure since NIIF GS #46: Issue #0208, Jurisdictional Information Parameter (JIP) Issue #0219, Restructure of NRRIC Discrepancy Reports to Accommodate Thousands-Block Data Issue #0243, New NRRIC LATA Discrepancy Report Issue #0244, Additional Date Fields in the LERG Issue #0257, Updating the NIOC Mission Statement

10 Other Issue Activity Ongoing work to obtain updates to NIIF Contact Lists Status of IAM POTS=0 requested from wireless industry

11 Identified Concerns Bringing New Technology Issues and SMEs into the Forum Translating ATIS TOPS Priorities into Specific Issues

12 Future Interim Meetings
NRRIC Conference Calls February 3, 2005, Issue #0217, Routing IDDD Calls for AND Issue #0245, Routing IDDD Calls Within March 3, 2005, Issue #0253, Substantive Updates to NIIF 0015, Intercompany Responsibilities Within the Telecommunications Industry document NIOC Conference Calls February 4, 2005 – Issue #0239, Telecommunications Relay Service Technology Updates, Conference Call February 9, 2005 – Issue #0217/#0245/#0259 Conference Call February 23, Informal Issue #0256, Establishment of a VoP Sub-Committee, Conference Call (Administrative Support Not Necessary)

13 Next NIIF Meeting NIIF #48 Virtual Meeting: – NIOC – March 28-31, 2005
General Session – April 11, 2005

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