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Landscapes of Fear and Stress

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1 Landscapes of Fear and Stress
Paper by: Jack L. Nasar and Kim M. Jones Environment and Behavior 29 (3): Derrick Burke Sophomore Geography, Chemistry Geog 370, Feb 25, 2008

2 Fear as an Urban Stressor
Fear of being a victim to crime is a major urban stressor in many communities. By understanding “hot spots” of fear, communities can improve the perceived safety of feared areas. Hypothesis: The fear associated with crime is related to concealment and entrapment. Make sure to explain : HOt

3 Methods: Campus walk Ohio State University
Based on a campus survey, a walking route was selected by researchers and group of 26 females walked the route during the late evening hours while recording their feelings and stress responses on a tape recorder.

4 Methods (Cont.) The tapes were transcribed word for word and comments were classified as (a) an expression of fear, (b) possibly a result of fear, or (c) an expression of safety. Each comment then was categorized as being a response to: (a) social element, (b) physical element, (c) both, or (d) other. For each comment classified as physical it was classified to even a further category: (a) blocked prospect, (b) concealment, (c) entrapment d)other.

5 Results Comments were displayed in a frequency table
What places are feared? Spatial Distribution of Fear Comments were displayed in a frequency table Three most Feared Places Mendehall the Amphitheater Rear of Mendehall The space surrounding these buildings are dark areas

6 # of Comments and Location

7 Conclusion Based on the study hiding spots and entrapment are physical aspects an environment that evoke high levels of stress. Modify Fearful Places Limitations Human subject requirements Not a blind study

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