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WWW List # 6 Take notes in notes notebooks

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1 WWW List # 6 Take notes in notes notebooks
Write the stem, meaning, and 2 example words

2 Germ – Vital or related Germinate Germicide Germ

3 Greg - group Gregarious Segregate Congregate

4 Mar - sea Marine Maritime Submarine

5 Prim - first Prime Primary Primate

6 Pyro - fire Pyromaniac Pyrotechnic Pyro phobia

7 Clam – cry out Exclamation Clamor Clamorous

8 Plu - more Plural Plus Plurality

9 Tang - touch Tangible Tangent Tangle

10 String - bind Stringent Stringy Astringent

11 Liber - free Liberate Liberty Libertarian

12 Junct – join Junction Conjunction Disjunct

13 Clud - close Exclude Include Conclude

14 Se - apart Secede Secret Segregate

15 Trib - pay Tribute Contribution Distribute

16 Dign – worthy Dignity Undignified Condign

17 Luc - light Translucent Lucid Lucidity

18 Rupt - break Erupt Disrupt Corrupt

19 Grat - pleasing Gratifying Grateful Gratitude

20 Medi - middle Median Mediate Mediocre

21 Soph - wisdom Sophisticated Sophist Philosophy

22 Curr - run Current recurrent Currency

23 Tempor - time Temporal Contemporary Temporarily

24 Migr - wander Migrate Transmigration Immigrant

25 Trans - across Transfer Translate Translucent

26 Gamy - marriage Monogamy Polygamy Exogamy

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