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ITUC-PERC & ITUC-PERC Youth Committee

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1 ITUC-PERC & ITUC-PERC Youth Committee
A “Communication for young trade union leaders” 14 – 18 December 2009, Turin ITUC-PERC & ITUC-PERC Youth Committee Daniela Aleksieva ITUC-PERC YC President

2 TU Democracy & Independence
ITUC International Trade Union Confederation Founded on 1 November 2006, from the merger of former ICFTU and WLC Represents 170 million workers in 157 countries and territories and has 312 national affiliates. Main principles: TU Democracy & Independence

3 ITUC The ITUC’s primary mission is promotion and defense of workers’ rights and interests, through: - international cooperation between TUs, - global campaigning and - advocacy within the major global institutions. Main areas of activity: - trade union and human rights - economy, society and the workplace - equality and non-discrimination - international solidarity

Cooperation ILO GUFs TUAC to the OECD ETUC GUFs - Global Union Federations TUAC to the OECD - Trade Union Advisory Committee to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ILO – International Labour Organisation ETUC – European Trade Union Confederation

5 ITUC Bodies CONGRESS General Council Executive Bureau
General Secretary Secretariat Congress – supreme autority YOUTH Committee WOMEN Committee

6 ITUC` bodies & Youth representation
1. The Congress (every 4 year) Youth quota: our aim is min.10 % participation of young delegates 2. General Council (once a year) Youth quota: 2 members nominated by the YC and representing the gender parity 3. Executive Bureau (not less than twice a year) Youth quota: The Chairperson of the ITUC YC is member of the EB 4. Vice-presidents of ITUC Youth quota: The Chairperson of the ITUC YC is one of Vice-Presidents of ITUC - last Congress (November 2006) – 7 %; - next Congress (June 2010 ) - … % (?) Over 80 members at the GC and only 2 are young people. It means less than 2.5 %

7 ITUC YC` Action Programme:
ITUC Youth Committee Main role: to propose and develop the ITUC`s policies and actions for young people and to make recommendations to the General Council ITUC YC` Action Programme: Campaigning for Decent Work and influencing the policies of important international organisations. Promoting actions for organisation and representation of young men and women in TUs to ensure that their voice is heard at all levels within unions and their rights are protected at work.

8 ITUC YC` Action programme
Ensuring universal access to quality education & training Developing TU education activities and materials for young workers Facilitating exchange of ideas and experiences Involving young trade unionists in ITUC` campaigns Ensuring full integration of young people and providing guaranties about the youth representation in ITUC`bodies Monitor trends in TU membership of young workers Developing communication technologies to enable exchange of information between TU organisations

9 ITUC regional organizations:
Asia-Pacific Regional Organization (ITUC-AP) African Regional Organization (ITUC-AF) American Regional Organization (TUCA) + Pan-European Regional Council (PERC)

10 PERC Pan – European Regional Council
Founded on 19 March 2007 (at a Founding Assembly in Rome, Italy) Brings together all the ITUC affiliates from European countries, from Lisbon to Vladivostok: - 87 national trade union centres with - total membership of over 85 million - from 55 European countries. Works in very close cooperation with ETUC (GS of ETUC = GS PERC)

11 PERC mission to promote in the region the strategies, priorities and policies of the ITUC to contribute to the social development, to the consolidation of democracy and to a better respect of human and workers’ rights to determine policies and action on matters that affect the interests of working people in the region to support bilateral and multilateral cooperation and promote trade union action and representation the strengthening of the trade union movement in all its constituencies.

12 PERC priorities Organising and recruiting;
Renovating and consolidating the TU structures; Strengthen the trade union education; Promoting trade union and fundamental workers` rights; Strengthening social dialogue at all level; Fighting discrimination, achieving equality; Ending child labour; A decent future for young workers; Promoting migrant workers and organising them; Investments flux – relocation and enterprises Energy policy; European neighborhood policy

13 PERC` Bodies GENERAL ASSEMBLY Executive Committee General Secretary
Secretariat Congress – supreme autority Youth Committee Women Committee

14 PERC` bodies and Youth Representation
General Assembly - meets at least once every 4 years - Youth quota: 3 seats for youth delegates with voting rights Executive Committee - meets at least once a year - Youth quota: 1 seat for youth delegates with voting rights

15 PERC Youth dimension PERC Youth policy – developed and coordinated by the youth structure, which operate through two bodies: Youth Conference Youth Committee with a Bureau

16 In the beginning of establishment …
In accordance with article 10 of the PERC Constitution (“Executive Committee shall set up a Women’s and Youth Committee and determine their mandate, composition, and procedural rules, as well as their relation to the ETUC’s Women’s and Youth Committees and the existing Women’s and Youth networks operating in the CEE and NIS region.”) the 1st meeting of the PERC Executive Committee (3 March 2008) decided to approve creation of Transitional Youth Committee in a view to finalise committee building process in 2009.

17 Transitional Youth Committee
March 2008 – July 2009 Two T.YC` meetings, which discussed: - internal structuring and nomination of PERC members to the ITUC YC - outline for preparation of the PERC Youth Conference and rules and procedure for building permanent Youth structure Coordinators of the process: Anton Leppic (PERC) and Juliane Bir (ETUC)

18 1st PERC Youth Founding Conference
9-10 July 2009, Brussels 59 delegates from 49 affiliated organisations (70 registered participants, including speakers) Program - divided into 3 main thematic sessions: - youth employment before and in time of global economic and financial crisis; - trade union campaigning; - youth organization and representation in trade union movement.

19 Conference participants …

20 1st PERC Youth Founding Conference
On the basis of the discussions the delegates to the Conference adopted 2 main documents: Concluding statement to guide the PERC YC in its work and to deliver its voice to the trade union decision making bodies; Terms of references and Rules of Procedures of the PERC YC (developed by the T.YC) => ELECTIONS AND …

21 Building up the 1st PERC Youth Committee
9 YC members with Bureau (1 President and 3 Deputies): Daniela Aleksieva, KNSB, Bulgaria (P) Benoit Constant, CSC, Belgium (VP) Tugba Balci, HAK-IS, Turkey (VP) Hans Richard Schmidt-Nielsen, AC, Denmark (VP) László Kovács, MSZOSZ, Hungary (CM) Andrea Mone, CISL, Italy (CM) Ilze Mikhailova, LBAS, Latvia (CM) Ivana Prnjat, CTUM, Montenegro (CM) Aleksey Slyazin, FNPR, Russia (CM) (P) – President , (VP) – Vice-President; (CM) – Committee member

22 1st PERC Youth Committee

23 PERC Youth structure Youth Conference
Organized at least once in two years; Participation of all PERC affiliates` representatives who must be under 35 years old; Discussion and adoption at least a work program for the next year; Youth Committee with a Bureau Composed of 9 elected members (under 33 years old at the beginning of their 2-years mandate); Bureau: President and 3 deputies elected by the Conference President of PERC YC = member of PERC Executive Committee; Members of the Bureau = delegates to the ITUC YC; Meet at least one time a year; Working language – English and Russian

24 Main tasks of PERC YC Develope a youth section of the PERC working program; Provide advice and recommendation to the PERC EC; Examine labour market and workplace issues related to youth; Implement campaigns on recruitment and integration of young workers (decent work campaigns); Promote networking of young unionists; Support work of youth structures of the affilates; Promote training of young TU leaders and activists.

25 PERC YC Priorities To promote:
- a rights-based approach to the problems of young workers; - specific programmes to facilitate the transition from school to working life; To ensure: - the full integration and active participation of young people in TUs; - the integration of concerns and needs of young workers into TU policies, campaigns and actions; - youth mobilization and active participation in different common activities at national and regional level - WDDW (7 October); Further development of the European networking, strengthening the cooperation with ETUC YC and other youth structures in the region, and build common actions. To promote a rights-based approach, based on the various international and European standards, to the problems of young workers; To promote specific programmes to facilitate the transition from school to working life; To ensure the full integration and active participation of young people in TU organisations; To ensure the integration of concerns and needs of young workers into TU policies, campaigns and actions; Ensuring youth mobilization and active participation in different common activities at national and regional level - WDDW (7 October); Further development of the European networking, strengthening the cooperation with ETUC YC and other youth structures in the region, and build common actions.

26 ETUC Youth Committee Meeting (Elections of a new Bureau)
Cooperation PERC ETUC Brussels, 11 December 2009 ETUC Youth Committee Meeting (Elections of a new Bureau)

27 Meetings/ Events of interests (July – December 2009)

28 WDDW (7 October 2009) Active youth participation in different national and regional activities. Information about all activities –

29 1st ITUC World Women`s Conference
“Decent Work, Decent Life for Women: Trade Unions Taking the Lead for Economic and Social Justice and Equality” 450 women delegates from 102 countries around the globe (only about of them – young women) Special panel devoted to the young women workers: their voice at work and in the TUs Key issues discussed during the Conference: - Decent Work to confront the crisis; - The crisis and organising for rights at work; - Climate changes and food security; - Gender equality through collective bargaining; - Social protection and social security; - Domestic workers; - Young women workers.

30 1st ITUC World Women`s Conference
Panel “Young women workers: their voice at work and in TUs ”

31 1st ITUC World Women`s Conference
Spotlight Interviews Project “Decision for life”: Conclusions and recommendations For more information:

32 Some useful websites: (ITUC)
(PERC) (ETUC) (PERC Youth) (ITUC Youth Community Blog) (ITUC Channel) (Micro-blogging: Twitter) (ETUC Youth)

33 E-mail:
Thank you for the attention! 1, Macedonia Sq. 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria Tel Fax:

34 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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