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The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Rights Holder Program Training Materials Module 1: Overview

2 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
General Overview What is an ERH? When/why does a student in foster care need an ERH?

3 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
Persons Who May Serve as ERH Eligible Persons Ineligible Persons

4 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
Becoming an ERH through the ERHP Be at least 18 years old High school diploma or equivalent Completed application Completed background check Pre-service training Court appointment

5 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
Duration of ERH Appointment Events that Terminate Appointment Resignation of ERH

6 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
Access educational records / authorize the disclosure of information Receive notice of and participate in all meetings or proceedings relating to school discipline; Advocate for the interests of a student with exceptional needs Attend and participate in the student’s educational planning/service meetings Consent to the student’s educational plans

7 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
ERH Responsibilities – general Investigate the student’s educational and developmental-services needs Determine whether those needs are being met Act on behalf of the student in all matters relating to educational or developmental services

8 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
ERH Responsibilities – specific Meet with the student initially and as often as necessary to make decisions that are in the student’s best interests Be culturally sensitive to the student Comply with all federal and state confidentiality laws Participate in, and make decisions regarding, all matters affecting the child's or youth's educational or developmental-services needs Maintain knowledge and skills that ensure adequate representation of the student’s needs and interests

9 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
ERH Responsibilities – specific Before each statutory review hearing, Provide information/recommendations concerning the student’s educational or developmental-services needs to the assigned social worker Make written recommendations to the court concerning the student’s educational or developmental-services needs (JV-537) Attend the review hearing and participate in any part of the hearing that concerns the student’s education or developmental services

10 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
Typical ERH Activities Make contact Review, plan, take action Participate, consult, report Monitor

11 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
ERH Checklist General education information Change in placement/school Health factors impacting education Special education / related services Transitioning Miscellaneous

12 The Role of ERH: Authority, Responsibilities, and Duties
Other Resources: ERH Contact List ERH Resource List Sample Letters

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