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FAC Net kick-off - Boise, ID - April 10-11th, 2013

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Presentation on theme: "FAC Net kick-off - Boise, ID - April 10-11th, 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 FAC Net kick-off - Boise, ID - April 10-11th, 2013

2 Outline The big questions Review agenda
Intro to Fire Adapted Communities The thinking behind a FAC “Learning Network” approach FAC Network pilot - structure and function Criteria for hubs Leadership and partnerships Proof of concept and proceeding

3 What am I doing here? What is the Fire Adapted Communities Network? What am I/we going to be expected to do?

4 Intro to Fire Adapted Communities
A Fire Adapted Community takes responsibility for its wildfire risk. Actions address resident safety, homes, neighborhoods, businesses and infrastructure, forests, parks, open spaces, and other community assets. The more actions a community takes, the more fire adapted it becomes Being a Fire Adapted Community is not an end-point, but rather a continuous process

5 Intro to FAC - continued
Many communities at-risk from wildfire have been taking steps to become fire adapted for years or even decades. After years of disparate and varyingly successful local, state, federal and institutional efforts, more coordinated national focus and strategies are emerging FAC programs The FAC Coalition FAC in the Cohesive Strategy An emerging language, toolkit and community of practice

6 Multiple elements and roles, coordinated
Fire Adapted Communities Firewise Communities fuel reduction forest management internal safety zones Ready Set Go! codes & ordinances fuel buffers prevention education local capacity Community Wildfire Protection Plan cooperative fire agreements

7 The FAC “Learning Network” approach
In-person and interactive communications are the preferred and most effective way to make and move knowledge, best practices and innovations among individuals, institutions, communities and geographies The FAC Net will leverage, integrate and build upon existing FAC strategies, tools and programs The “learning network” approach will provide multiple levels of learning and feedback on practice, programs and policy in support of fire adapted communities

8 Multiple levels of learning and feedback
Within communities Among communities at the sub-regional level Among communities nationally Feeding back into national strategies, programs and policies

9 FAC Network pilot - structure and function
The Watershed Center and FLN will; serve as “network maintenance organizations” coordinate with FAC Coalition and individual members for steering, guidance and integration engage and work with diverse organizations serving as sub-regional “hubs” provide cost-share funding, process guidance, and technical assistance; empowering “hubs”, to serve as regional conveners and leaders empowering FAC communities and organizations to adopt and innovate FAC strategies and engage in the process of FAC aggregate high-level learning – feeding back into strategies, tools, programs and policies

10 Structure and function - continued
Regional “hubs” and local partners work in year 1 to; strengthen and exemplify FAC strategies and coordination at local level, share learning across national FAC Net communities, and share lessons learned about strategies, programs and policy Beginning in year 2, “hubs” will; convene sub-regional FAC practitioners and local FAC groups/communities in peer-to- peer learning exchanges (1-2 per year) accelerating FAC adoption, learning and adaptation across communities Participating local FAC groups/communities and regional partnerships will access, implement and innovate around FAC strategies, tools, programs and policies FAC network leads will meet annually to share learning across sub-regional Nets and to aggregate high-level learning feeding back into strategies, tools, programs and policies

11 Criteria considered in recruiting pilot “hubs”
Overall Geographic diversity, organizational diversity and a diversity of partnerships, focus and strategic approaches Hubs existing organizational capacity, a strong fit with existing organizational portfolio and mission, existing staff capacity, proven experience convening outcome and product oriented workshops, pay-it-forward culture, technical assistance capacity, a culture of innovation, an existing sub-regional peer network, and a culture of learning

12 The first eight pilot “hubs”

13 Leadership and partnerships
FAC Network steering will come from The Watershed Center, FLN, FS FAC program leads and NFPA Strive for diverse leadership and participation in the network at all levels Integrate the work of other partners in the FAC Coalition and in states and regions where the FAC Net is operating Look at broadening partnerships for funding support

14 Proof of concept and proceeding
2013 will serve as a “pilot” year Establish structure, support work of initial hubs and participating communities, develop metrics for evaluation, develop a communications plan and materials and communicate with partners and interested stakeholders, conduct shared-evaluation, adapt Growing and proceeding beyond 2013 will be contingent upon efficacy and funding

15 Questions or discussion

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