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ID’s: Turner’s Rebellion

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1 ID’s: Turner’s Rebellion
Slavery and Abolition ID’s: Turner’s Rebellion Compromise of 1850 Popular Sovereignty Kansas Nebraska Act

2 William Lloyd Garrison
Radical Abolitionist (believed in ending slavery) Published The Liberator to demand immediate emancipation

3 Fredrick Douglass Escaped slavery and joined the fight to end slavery
Published his story Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass



6 Women Abolitionists Grimke Sisters: Southerners who were outspoken about the evils they had witnessed

7 The Underground Railroad
Secret Network to hide fugitive slaves “Conductors” hid them in secret tunnels and false cupboards Harriet Tubman: 19 trips to the South and over 300 slaves helped!

8 Missouri Compromise Louisiana Territory split in two parts – divided at 36/30 N. latitude South of line, slavery is legal North of line, (except MO) is illegal

9 Statehood for California - 1850
- Gold Rush made CA eligible for statehood CA constitution forbade slavery-Alarmed/angered S. Assumed CA would be slave state because mostly below compromise line

10 Compromise of 1850 CA admitted as free state
Popular sovereignty for Utah and New Mexico territories Right to vote for/against slavery Harsher fugitive slave laws Slaves not entitled to trial by jury Fines and imprisonment for those aiding fugitives

11 Map of the Compromise of 1850

12 Kansas – Nebraska Act 1854 Popular sovereignty for KS and NE territories Problem = North of Compromise line Divided territory NE belongs to north KS belongs to south Repealed the Missouri Compromise

13 “Bleeding Kansas” Race to populate Kansas
1,000s of “border ruffians” crossed from MO to KS to vote illegally 2 Rival Governments established Led to bloody violence

14 Charles Sumner “The Crime Against Kansas”

15 New Republican Party Opposed slavery in territories and the Kansas-Nebraska Act Nominated John C. Fremont as candidate South threatened secession if Fremont won Democrat James Buchanan won instead

16 Dred Scott Decision Owner took him from MO to free territory and then back Scott appealed for freedom Supreme Court ruled against Scott He was not a citizen 5th Amendment protected “property”

17 Harper’s Ferry John Brown led a band of 21 men, black and white, to Harper’s Ferry Goal: seize the federal arsenal and start a slave uprising Suppressed by Federal Troops and Brown was executed Sparked extreme reactions in the N and S!

18 Abraham Lincoln Elected
1860 Republican candidate Halt further spread of slavery No interfering with existing slavery Southerners still viewed him as enemy Democratic party split over slavery issues Divided Southern votes

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