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Propositional Logic Defining Propositional Logic

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Presentation on theme: "Propositional Logic Defining Propositional Logic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Propositional Logic Defining Propositional Logic
Propositions Connectives Truth tables Precedence of Logical Operators Usefulness of Logic Bitwise operations Logic in Theoretical Computer Science (SAT) Logic in Programming Logical Equivalences Terminology Equivalence rules

2 Predicate Logic Introduction Terminology: Quantifiers
Propositional functions; arguments; arity; universe of discourse Quantifiers Definition; using, mixing, negating them Logic Programming (Prolog) Transcribing English to Logic

3 Proofs Terminology Rules of inference: Fallacies
Modus ponens, addition, simplification, conjunction, modus tollens, contrapositive, hypothetical syllogism, disjunctive syllogism, resolution, Examples Fallacies Proofs with quantifiers Types of proofs: Trivial, vacuous, direct, by contrapositive (indirect), by contradiction (indirect), by cases, existence and uniqueness proofs; counter examples Proof strategies: Forward reasoning; Backward reasoning; Alerts

4 Sets Definitions: set, element Terminology and notation
Set equal, multi-set, bag, set builder, intension, extension, Venn Diagram (representation), empty set, singleton set, subset, proper subset, finite/infinite set, cardinality Proving equivalences Power set Tuples (ordered pair) Cartesian Product (a.k.a. Cross product), relation Quantifiers Set Operations (union, intersection, complement, difference), Disjoint sets Set equivalences (cheat sheet or Table 1, page 124) Inclusion in both directions Using membership tables Generalized Unions and Intersection Computer Representation of Sets

5 Functions Definitions & terminology Properties
function, domain, co-domain, image, preimage (antecedent), range, image of a set, strictly increasing, strictly decreasing, monotonic Properties One-to-one (injective), onto (surjective), one-to-one correspondence (bijective) Exercices (5) Inverse functions (examples) Operators Composition, Equality Important functions identity, absolute value, floor, ceiling, factorial

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