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Chest Wall Anatomy A. Azami, Ph.D..

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1 Chest Wall Anatomy A. Azami, Ph.D.

2 Surface Landmarks

3 Boundaries of the thorax
Superior: jugular notch, sternoclavicular joint, superior border of clavicle, acromion, spinous processes of C7 Inferior: xiphoid process, costal arch, 12th and 11th ribs, vertebra T12

4 Thoracic wall Skin Superficial fascia Breast Deep fascia Muscles
Fat tissue Cutaneous nerves Superficial vessels Breast Deep fascia Muscles







11 Fig The approximate segmental distribution of the cutaneous nerves on the front of the trunk. The contribution from the first thoracic spinal nerve is not shown and the considerable overlap that occurs between adjacent segments is not indicated.

12 The segmental innervation of anterior surface of trunk


14 Thoracic wall Skin Superficial fascia Breast Deep fascia Muscles
Fat tissue Cutaneous nerves Superficial vessels Breast Deep fascia Muscles




18 Thoracic wall Skin Superficial fascia Breast Deep fascia Muscles
Fat tissue Cutaneous nerves Superficial vessels Breast Deep fascia Muscles

19 Fig Anatomical territories of cutaneous blood vessels on the lateral trunk. (By permission from Cormack GC, Lamberty BGH 1994 The Arterial Anatomy of Skin Flaps, 2nd edn. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.)

20 Fig. 58.6 Early development of breast epithelium.

21 Fig. 58. 1B A, The macroscopic structure of the breast
Fig. 58.1B A, The macroscopic structure of the breast. B, Changes during lactation.


23 Fig Anatomical territories of cutaneous blood vessels on the lateral trunk. (By permission from Cormack GC, Lamberty BGH 1994 The Arterial Anatomy of Skin Flaps, 2nd edn. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.)

24 Fig. 58.4 Lymph vessels of the breast and the axillary lymph nodes.

25 Thoracic wall Skin Superficial fascia Breast Deep fascia Muscles
Fat tissue Cutaneous nerves Superficial vessels Breast Deep fascia Muscles

26 Back muscles

27 Ant. Thoracic muscles Serratus anterior

28 Thorax Muscles Intercostales externi Intercostales interni

29 Intercostales externi
Origin: lower border of rib Insertion: upper border of rib below origin Action: elevate ribs adding in forced inspiration Intercostales interni Origin: upper border of rib Insertion: lower border of rib above origin Action: depress ribs for forced expiration

30 Diaphragm Shape and position: Origin Insertion
dome-shaped between thorax and abdomen Origin Sternal part: xiphoid process Costal part: lower six and costal cartilages Lumbar part: arises from upper 2-3 lumbar vertebrae Insertion central tendon

31 Diaphragm

32 Inspiration movements of: Diaphragm Sternum Ribs

33 sternum Ribs

34 Intercostal space

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