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Biology Lab Safety Rules

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1 Biology Lab Safety Rules

2 Behave responsibly at all times. No “playing around” in the lab.

3 Never eat or drink during a lab.

4 Follow ALL instructions very carefully
Follow ALL instructions very carefully. Prepare for each lab activity by reading the procedures before starting any experiment. If you have questions about any procedure, ask first.

5 Do not perform any lab activity unless your teacher is present.

6 Wear safety goggles when using chemicals, sharp instruments, hot liquids, or when dissecting.

7 Report ALL spills or accidents to your teacher immediately, no matter how minor they may seem – before cleaning them up.

8 Provide your teacher with information about known medical conditions (allergies, asthma, etc.).

9 Familiarize yourself with the location of all safety equipment in the lab. Know the location of all room exits and evacuation procedures. In the case of an emergency, evacuate the lab immediately through the safest exit.

10 For all lab activities, keep your hands away from your face (especially eyes and mouth) and wash your hands with soap before leaving the classroom!

11 To avoid accidents tie back long hair and roll up long shirt sleeves
To avoid accidents tie back long hair and roll up long shirt sleeves. Also, remove bookbags, heavy coats, and dangling jewelry, and leave them away from your lab station.

12 Only lab instructions, pencil/pen, and lab equipment are permitted at the lab station. Backpacks should be left on your desk and out of the aisles.

13 Be sure your lab station and all lab equipment are clean before leaving the lab. Return all materials and dispose of waste materials as instructed by your teacher. Do NOT throw trash in the sinks – use the trash cans! Points will be deducted from the entire group’s lab grade if the area is not cleaned properly.

14 Lab equipment is expensive to replace
Lab equipment is expensive to replace. You are responsible for any damage caused by misuse or carelessness.

15 Do not use chipped or cracked glassware
Do not use chipped or cracked glassware. Do not pick up broken glass with your bare hands. Report any broken glassware to the teacher.

16 Never touch, taste, or smell any substances unless specifically instructed to do so.

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