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Where I’m from By Taylor Keitt.

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Presentation on theme: "Where I’m from By Taylor Keitt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where I’m from By Taylor Keitt

2 Where am I from? A question with no specific answer

3 For I am from everything and nothing

4 I am from corner stores next to the train station
I am from corner stores next to the train station. Every day Arizona ice tea and a bag of chips

5 Where train tracks rumble through the night.

6 Where everyone becomes adroit at traveling
Where everyone becomes adroit at traveling. Where city lights shine like fireflies in the night.

7 I am from the smell of polluted air but there is a scent of sweetness there.

8 I am from where change is inevitable Where winter is my warmth

9 Where every joke has an endless laughter under the guise of friendship.

10 The thumping of shoes running up and down the basketball court
The thumping of shoes running up and down the basketball court. Children laughing and playing for sport.

11 The mountain is a never ending song with a melody and a good hook

12 Adventure becomes a hunger but not a need

13 Where bumble bees buzz all around and still not one sound.

14 The quietness is a soft blanket that rocks me to sleep
The quietness is a soft blanket that rocks me to sleep. I am from where winds travel to the end of the world and back.

15 Where the drizzle of rain trickles down my window pane.

16 I went from sirens to soundless sleep where doubt clouds around me and I question my fortitude

17 I am from family. They are my keepers.

18 Where an opulent meal is cooked and is the cherry on top.

19 Where you may have a good or bad day.

20 I am from my family and their love. From my god up above.

21 Never give up if you want to live

22 Keep fighting and keep writing for where I’m from is never ending But ever changing.

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