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Plants By Luke Hoffmaster.

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Presentation on theme: "Plants By Luke Hoffmaster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plants By Luke Hoffmaster

2 Organisms An organism is a living thing.
Plants and animals are organisms All organisms have cells.

3 Plant cells Cells are the building blocks of life.
Plant cells have nucleus,chloloroplast, Cell membrane, cell wall, and cytoplasm

4 Parts of a plant The parts of a plant are:
The roots,the stem,and the leaves.

5 Roots The roots are the parts of a plant that helps support the plant.
The roots take in water,food and minerals. The roots keep the plant in the soil.

6 Stem The stem holds the plant upright. It is attached to the roots.
It carries food from the leaves to other parts

7 Leaves The leaves take in sunlight

8 Conifers Conifers produces seeds in cones.
Leaves of a conifer look like needles or brushes.

9 Life cycle of a flowering plant
First, the seed might become a new plant. Next, a new plant grows. Then, the plant is an adult. After that, the plant flowers. Insects, such as bees, carry pollen to eggs. Finally, flowers become fruits with seeds.

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