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Presentation on theme: "Napoleon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Napoleon

2 Quote of the Day “Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools” Napoleon Bonaparte

3 Objectives Summarize the steps Napoleon took to restore order in France Describe Napoleon’s fall Analyze the Congress of Vienna

4 Essential Question In what ways did the reign of Napoleon impact European society?

5 Terms Napoleon Bonaparte Coup d'état Plebiscite Lycee Concordat
Napoleonic Code

6 Guiding Questions What are Napoleon’s traits.
What are three things that Napoleon was able to accomplish during peacetime. How did Britain’s geographic advantage help it resist conquest? Describe the geographic area of Napoleon’s conquests.

7 Becoming a Hero Defends national convention
Appointed to lead French Army Defends France against Austria

8 Expedition to Egypt Plan to conquer Egypt
Move across Arabia and into India Goal – destroy British Trade Rosetta Stone

9 Napoleon’s Definition of a Great Ruler
Shrewdness Mental finesse Administrative ability Eloquence of a ruler Understanding of the people. Knowledge is more important than courage Earn respect of soldiers

10 Mind of Napoleon Next Julius Cesar Next Alexander the Great

11 Coupd’etat Directory lost control of France
Napoleon takes power in France Plebiscite – vote of the people to accept the new constitution Three consuls – Napoleon is the first

12 Changes Economy - tax system, National Bank
Dismissed corrupt officials Lycees –public schools Concordat - Recognized the influence of the church, Rejected church control of national affairs, French Government appointed Bishops

13 Napoleonic Code Comprehensive system of laws Equality before the law
Religious tolerance Right to choose ones profession Abolished feudal privileges Banned trade unions Gave husbands and fathers authority over wives and children

14 Emperor Napoleon 1804 Declared himself Emperor of France
The best way to keep one's word is not to give it. Napoleon Bonaparte ( )

15 Caribbean Ideas of Revolution spread to St. Domingue
Demanded Freedom - Rebellion Louisiana Purchase U.S. will remain a nation

16 Napoleon’s Empire Napoleon’s vision - World Rule
Annexed Austrian Netherlands European coalition Napoleon Crushed European armies Forced to sign peace treaty

17 Britain, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, and Sweden
Put friends and family in charge of European nations Russia, Austria and Prussia were under the influence of Napoleon through treaties

18 Thorn in Napoleon’s Side
Great Britain - Napoleon’s archenemy Defeated France at battle of Trafalgar Assured British supremacy of the ocean for 100 years Continental System - Blockade that closed all ports in Europe War of 1812

19 Napoleon’s Mistakes Invasion of Spain
Invasion of Russia - Scorched Earth Policy and Russian winter April 1814 Napoleon surrendered to Alexander I of Russia Banished to Elba

20 100 Days: Return of Napoleon
Louis XVIII – given throne Napoleon escaped form Elba and returns Battle of Waterloo Banished to St. Helena Dies 1821


22 Congress of Vienna Peace Treaty

23 Objectives Explain the importance of the decisions made at the congress of Vienna Describe how the ideas of the French Revolution continued to influence society in Europe

24 Essential Question Do you think that the decisions made at the Congress of Vienna were the right decisions? Why? Why not?

25 Terms Congress of Vienna Klemens von Metternich Balance of Power
Legitimacy Holy Alliance Concert of Europe

26 Guiding Questions What was Metternich’s ultimate goal?
Describe one important effect resulting from the political changes made at the Congress of Vienna. List three causes of the French Revolution and explain how two of these causes led to the French Revolution.

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