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Parts of the Cell.

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1 Parts of the Cell

2 Organelles Tiny cell structures that carry out specific functions within the cell Lysosome Cell membrane Mitochondria Cell wall (plants) Nuclear membrane Chloroplast (plants) Nucleolus Chromosomes Nucleus Cytoplasm Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum Vacuole Golgi body


4 Cell Membrane Thin, flexible barrier around a cell
Controls what enters and leaves the cell “Gatekeeper”

5 Cytoplasm A jelly fluid inside the cell in which the organelles are suspended

6 Cell Wall Found only in plant cells Supports and protects the cell

7 Chloroplast Found only in plant cells
Captures sunlight for photosynthesis

8 Chromosomes Found in the nucleus Made of DNA
Contains ALL genetic information Passes cell traits to new cells “Spaghetti” in the nucleus

9 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Also known as “ER” ER (emergency room- ambulance transports you to the ER) Network of canals used to transport and store substances A pathway between the nucleus and cell membrane

10 Lysosome Breaks down food molecules and dead or injured cells
“Lysol cleaner”

11 Golgi Body Produces lysosomes
Packages proteins for the cell and releases them into the cytoplasm “Packaging Plant” like the post office

12 Mitochondria Powerhouse of the cell
Provides energy for cellular respiration “Mighty Mighty Chondria”

13 Ribosome Produces proteins
Protein build, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body

14 Nucleus Control center of the cell
Contains DNA which as information for making protein “Brain” of the cell

15 Nucleolus Produces ribosomes (which produce protein)
“Meatballs” found in the nucleus

16 Vacuole Stores water and other materials
Vacuum up the dirt-Vacuum holds/stores the dirt in a bag

17 Types of Cells Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Cell with no nucleus or membrane bound cell organelles Example: Bacteria Eukaryotic Cell with nucleus and organized cell organelles Example: Animal and plant cells

18 Common Features DNA Plasma membrane Cytoplasm Ribosomes

19 Prokaryotic

20 Eukaryotic

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