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Explain how animals defend themselves

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Presentation on theme: "Explain how animals defend themselves"— Presentation transcript:

1 Explain how animals defend themselves

2 Structures of Animals 6-3.2 Summarize the basic functions of the structures of animals that allow them to defend themselves, to move, and to obtain resources.

3 Structures for Defense
What structures do animals have to defend themselves from predators?

4 Structures for Defense
Animals hide from or warn predator. Ex: skin color (camouflage) or patterns (mimicry)

5 What is Mimicry? Animal copies appearance, actions, or sounds of dangerous animal. AKA MIMIC or Copycat Ex: Bumblebees (with stingers) and Robber Flies (which also make a sound similar to a bee).

6 Structures for Defense
Animal makes a direct, painful attack. Ex: horns, claws, quills, stingers, venom


8 Structures for Defense
Animal changes size to prevent attack Ex: shells, emitting smells or body fluid (ink)


10 Structures for Defense
Animal flees or hides. Ex: Body Design Sensory organs Legs (speed/jumping) Wings Light-weight skeletons (flight)

11 Structures for Defense
Animal uses holes or tunnels to hide or climb away Ex: paws or toenails

12 Structures for Movement
What structures allow animals to move to fulfill their needs, such as finding food and escaping predators?

13 Structures for Movement
Legs Feet and arms Tails Fins Wings Body design Skeleton

14 Structures to Obtain Resources
What specialized structures do animals have in order to obtain food? What structures do animals have that we (as humans) don’t have?

15 Structures to Obtain Resources
Animal chews, tears, and eats its food or drink. Ex: mouth parts Beaks Teeth Flexible jaws Tongues Tube-shaped mouths


17 Structures to Obtain Resources
Animal grabs and holds food Ex: tentacles, pincers, claws, fangs

18 Structures to Obtain Resources
Animal consumes food in water Ex: filtering structures Sponges Clams

19 Give two examples of how animals use camouflage for different reasons.

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