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Blending Steps.

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Presentation on theme: "Blending Steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blending Steps

2 Whee Doggie . . . This is better than a mess of beans cooked with pork fat
1. Identify the vowel e blending bl blending nding 2. Blend from beginning 3. Blend to end 4. Say it fast

3 Your #1 priority: Identify the vowel and you’ll hit your target every time
locomotion lo-co-mo-tion locust lo-cust lobster lob-ster lonesome lone-some

4 Blend from the beginning
Now what are those blending steps? Identify the vowel a as in cat or a as in ape Blend from the beginning Blend to the end Say it fast

5 Practice Makes Perfect
a x l e b a f f l e c a n d o r d e m o c r a t e x c e l f i c k l e g a d f l y h y s t e r i c a l i d e a l j u b i l e e k o s h e r l a z e r m e d i u m n a t u r e o b e s e p y t h o n

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