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Cosmic Inflation and Quantum Mechanics I: Concepts

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1 Cosmic Inflation and Quantum Mechanics I: Concepts
Jerome Martin CNRS/Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris New Frontiers in Testing Quantum Mechanics from Underground to Space Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati November 29th- December 1st, 2017

2 Modern cosmology: the Lambda/CDM model
The talk Outline Modern cosmology: the Lambda/CDM model Cosmological fluctuations of quantum-mechanical origin Quantum Mechanics in the sky? Can we show that inflationary perturbations are of quantum-mechanical origin? Conclusions

3 Modern cosmology: the LambdaCDM model
The talk Outline Modern cosmology: the LambdaCDM model Cosmological fluctuations of quantum-mechanical origin Quantum Mechanics in the sky? Can we show that inflationary perturbations are of quantum-mechanical origin? Conclusions

4 Lambda CDM model 1- Cosmology has now a well-tested standard model: the Lambda/CDM model. It is a six parameter model. It is based on GR since Gravity shapes the Universe

5 Lambda CDM model 1- Cosmology has now a well-tested standard model: the Lambda/CDM model. It is a six parameter model. It is based on GR since Gravity shapes the Universe 2- The parameters are determined at the % level: era of precision cosmology.

6 a great explanatory power:
Lambda CDM model 1- Cosmology has now a well-tested standard model: the Lambda/CDM model. It is a six parameter model. It is based on GR since Gravity shapes the Universe 2- The parameters are determined at the % level: era of precision cosmology. 3- This model is compatible with thousands of different measurements and has a great explanatory power:

7 a great explanatory power:
Lambda CDM model 1- Cosmology has now a well-tested standard model: the Lambda/CDM model. It is a six parameter model. It is based on GR since Gravity shapes the Universe 2- The parameters are determined at the % level: era of precision cosmology. 3- This model is compatible with thousands of different measurements and has a great explanatory power: - it explains (or predicts) that the Universe is expanding

8 FLRW metric time Scale factor

9 Lambda/CDM=Four epochs
Scale factor: a(t)/a(tini) Radiation dominated era Matter dominated era Dark energy dominated era Realized with a scalar field: the “inflaton” Ordinary fluids

10 a great explanatory power:
CMB 1- Cosmology has now a well-tested standard model: the Lambda/CDM model. It is a six parameter model. It is based on GR since Gravity shapes the Universe 2- The parameters are determined at the % level: era of precision cosmology. 3- This model is compatible with thousands of different measurements and has a great explanatory power: - it explains (or predicts) that the Universe is expanding - the Cosmic Microwave background (CMB)

11 Scale factor: a(t)/a(tini)
CMB Scale factor: a(t)/a(tini) Radiation dominated era Matter dominated era Dark energy dominated era

12 Scale factor: a(t)/a(tini) Last scattering surface
CMB Scale factor: a(t)/a(tini) Last scattering surface Radiation dominated era Matter dominated era Dark energy dominated era

13 CMB is the most accurate black body ever produced in Nature
T~2.7 K time CMB is the most accurate black body ever produced in Nature

14 Modern cosmology: the LambdaCDM model
The talk Outline Modern cosmology: the LambdaCDM model Cosmological fluctuations of quantum-mechanical origin Quantum Mechanics in the sky? Can we show that inflationary perturbations are of quantum-mechanical origin? Conclusions

15 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
1- Cosmology has now a well-tested standard model: the Lambda/CDM model. It is a six parameter model. It is based on GR since Gravity shapes the Universe 2- The parameters are determined at the % level: era of precision cosmology. 3- This model is compatible with thousands of different measurements and has a great explanatory power: - it explains (or predicts) that the Universe is expanding - the Cosmic Microwave background (CMB) - Structure formation: origin of the galaxies and of CMB anisotropies

16 CMB anisotropies It is found that the temperature of the CMB is not exactly the same in all direction, δT/T~ 1/100000

17 This is has been measured with increasing precision along the years
CMB anisotropies It is found that the temperature of the CMB is not exactly the same in all direction, δT/T~ 1/100000 This is has been measured with increasing precision along the years COBE (1992) WMAP (2003) This is a proof that the Universe was inhomogeneous at the LSS time Planck (2013 & 2015)

18 This is has been measured with increasing precision along the years
CMB anisotropies It is found that the temperature of the CMB is not exactly the same in all direction, δT/T~ 1/100000 This is has been measured with increasing precision along the years Today we know that the Universe is even more inhomogeneous … The amplitude of the fluctuations is now longer small

19 Structure formation In order to have a convincing scenario for structure formation, we need to answer two questions

20 Structure formation In order to have a convincing scenario for structure formation, we need to answer two questions How do they grow?

21 Gravitational instability
Structure formation In order to have a convincing scenario for structure formation, we need to answer two questions How do they grow? Gravitational instability

22 Structure formation In order to have a convincing scenario for structure formation, we need to answer two questions What is their origin?

23 Quantum fluctuations during
Structure formation In order to have a convincing scenario for structure formation, we need to answer two questions What is their origin? Quantum fluctuations during inflation According to inflation, this is the quantum spacetime which is at the origin of CMB anisotropies and large scale structures For a review, see J. Martin, Lect. Notes Phys. 669 (2005), 199, hep-th/040611

24 Scale factor: a(t)/a(tini) Last scattering surface
CMB Scale factor: a(t)/a(tini) Last scattering surface Radiation dominated era Matter dominated era Dark energy dominated era

25 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
Scale factor: a(t)/a(tini) Last scattering surface Radiation dominated era Matter dominated era Dark energy dominated era Initial fluctuations

26 Lambda/CDM=Four epochs
Scale factor: a(t)/a(tini) Last scattering surface Radiation dominated era Matter dominated era Dark energy dominated era Initial fluctuations amplification

27 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
Scale factor: a(t)/a(tini) Last scattering surface Radiation dominated era Matter dominated era Dark energy dominated era Initial fluctuations amplification

28 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
How to calculate the evolution of the quantum cosmological fluctuations? Geometry=Matter time

29 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
How to calculate the evolution of the quantum cosmological fluctuations? 1- Use Einstein equations of GR! Geometry=Matter time

30 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
How to calculate the evolution of the quantum cosmological fluctuations? 1- Use Einstein equations of GR! Geometry=Matter 2- Use perturbations theory since the fluctuations are small time

31 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
How to calculate the evolution of the quantum cosmological fluctuations? 1- Use Einstein equations of GR! Geometry=Matter 2- Use perturbations theory since the fluctuations are small 3- Quantize the system time

32 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
- The Hamiltonian controlling the evolution of the fluctuation is Corresponds to creation of pair of particles The pump source vanishes if space-time is not dynamical, a’=0 k -k

33 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
- The Hamiltonian controlling the evolution of the fluctuation is - Schroedinger evolution gives Corresponds to creation of pair of particles The pump source vanishes if space-time is not dynamical, a’=0 k -k Two mode squeezed states -”Classical” coherent state: equal dispersion on x and p - Squeezed state: not the same dispersion (r squeezing parameter)

34 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
- The Hamiltonian controlling the evolution of the fluctuation is - Schroedinger evolution gives - The strongest squeezed state ever produced in Nature! Corresponds to creation of pair of particles The pump source vanishes if space-time is not dynamical, a’=0 k -k Two mode squeezed states

35 Perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin
- The Hamiltonian controlling the evolution of the fluctuation is - Schroedinger evolution gives - The strongest squeezed state ever produced in Nature! - It is an entangled state. In fact a two mode squeezed state with r going to infinity is an EPR state. Corresponds to creation of pair of particles The pump source vanishes if space-time is not dynamical, a’=0 k -k Two mode squeezed states

36 (hence with inflation): it works!!!
Planck data Computed with the Lambda CDM model (hence with inflation): it works!!!

37 Modern cosmology: the LambdaCDM model
The talk Outline Modern cosmology: the LambdaCDM model Cosmological fluctuations of quantum-mechanical origin Quantum Mechanics in the sky? Can we show that inflationary perturbations are of quantum-mechanical origin? Conclusions

38 Quantum to classical transition of the perturbations
Open issues The fact that the state of the perturbations is “very quantum” raises some issues and hopes with regards to the quantum-mechanical nature of spacetime Quantum to classical transition of the perturbations What is the importance of decoherence? (D.Polarski, A Starobinsky, CQG ) Reduction of the wave packet: should we go beyond Copenhagen? Unambiguous observational signature of the quantum origin of the galaxies? Can we see quantum correlations in the sky? (J. Maldacena, Fortsch. Phys. 64 2016; J. Martin & V. Vennin, PRD , PRA ) time

39 Modern cosmology: the LambdaCDM model
The talk Outline Modern cosmology: the LambdaCDM model Cosmological fluctuations of quantum-mechanical origin Quantum Mechanics in the sky? Can we show that inflationary perturbations are of quantum-mechanical origin? Conclusions

40 QM without observers etc …
Conclusions Recap According to cosmic inflation, the CMB fluctuations are placed in a strongly two- mode squeezed state which is an entangled state Inflation is the only situation in Physics where GR & QM are used and where, at the same time, we have high accuracy data Inflation pushes QM in unexplored regimes, eg high energies, large scales, QM without observers etc … Take away message: inflation is not only a successful scenario of the early Universe, it is also a very interesting playground for foundational issues of quantum mechanics See Vincent Vennin’s talk …

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