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Obstruction and Interference

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1 Obstruction and Interference

2 Definition obstruction
Obstruction is the act of A defensive player or team member that hinders or prevents a batter from striking or hitting a pitched ball. A fielder, while not in possession of the ball, or which impedes the progress of a runner or batter-runner that is legally running bases

3 Definition interference
Interference is the act of an offensive player or team member that impedes, hinders, or confuses a defensive player attempting to execute a play. Interference is interference when it interferes!!!

4 Obstruction on the batter
→ delayed dead ball, after play is finished: option coach – penalty on catchers obstruction or taking the result of the play batter has received first base safely and all runners have at least advanced one base → result stands, no option to the coach (3) when coach does not take option ‘catchers obstruction’ is ruled : batter to first base, runners return to their base unless forced to next base

5 Obstruction on the batter-runner or runner
Catcher/fielder needs to have the ball before standing in front of the plate/base/runner → delayed dead ball, after play is finished: (1) runner reaches the base he/she would have reached when no obstruction would have occurred → result stands (2) runner does not reach the base he/she would have reached when no obstruction would have occurred → dead ball, umpires awards the base to the runner that he/she would have reached when no obstruction would have occurred. exception: when an early leave, missed base or interference occurred an proper appeal is possible. (3) runner overruns the base he/she would have reached when no obstruction would have occurred → result stands

6 Interference by Umpire
interferes with catcher → delayed dead ball 1) if runner is out → out stands 2) if runner is not out → dead ball and all runners return to their base at the time of the throw

7 Interference by On deck batter
interferes with a defensive player 1) who is attempting to retire a runner → ball is dead, runner closest to home plate is out, and all runners return to their base at the time of interference. 2) who is attempting to catch a fly ball → ball is dead, batter-runner is out, and all runners return to their base at the time of interference.

8 Interference by batter
- interferences with the catcher, while out of the batters box → ball is dead, batter is out, and all runners return to their base at the time of the throw. - interferes intentionally with the catcher, while in the batters box → dead ball, batter is out, and all runners return to their base at the time of the throw. - interferes with a play at home plate → dead ball, batter is out, and all runners return to their base at the time of the throw.

9 Interference by batter-runner
- interferes with the catcher or fielder throw to first base while running outside the 1 metre lane → dead ball, batter-runner is out, and all runners return to their base at the time of the throw - interferes with a fielder fielding or throwing the ball or with a fair batted ball → dead ball, batter-runner is out, and all runners return to their base at the time of the interference - interferes intentionally with a play at home plate → dead ball, batter- runner and the runner closest to home plate are out, and other runners return

10 Interference by Runner
- interferes with a fair-batted ball, before passing an infielder (excluding the pitcher) → dead ball, runner is out, and other runners return to their base at the time of the interference (if the interference is preventing from a double play, the umpire will also give the second out). - interferes with a fair-batted ball, intentionally → dead ball, runner is out, and other runners return to their base at the time of the interference (if the interference is preventing from a double play, the umpire will also give the second out). - interferes while he/she already has scored or is already out, → dead ball, the runner closest to home plate is out, and other runners return to their base at the time of the interference

11 Interference by Coach/batboy/dugout players
interferes with attempt to retire a runner → ball is dead, runner closest to home plate is out, and all runners return to their base at the time of interference unless forced by batter interferes with a fly ball → ball is dead, batter-runner is out, and all other runners return to their base at the time of interference.

12 Any person other then team members
Ball dead, umpire rewards bases they would have reached in the umpire opinion!!!!

13 Example R2, a hit to the short stop and the short stop impedes the progress of R2: 1) when the short stop does not attempt to field a ball or has the ball in her/his possession → obstruction 2) when the short stop attempts to field the ball or has the ball in his/her possession → interference

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