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Exercises & Techniques

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1 Exercises & Techniques
Performing Poetry Exercises & Techniques

2 Voice Emphasis Exercise
Reading with emphasis means to read a word louder, slower, and more dramatically than the other words in a poem. I need 13 volunteers to read a quick poem! Does the meaning change with each emphasis? Underline words to emphasize in your slam poem.

3 Pitch, Volume, and Pacing
I need 2 volunteers to read a quick poem! One must read very slowly, much slower than you would in a presentation. One must read as fast as possible. Discuss the effectiveness of both readings. Now, Ms. Reyes will read at a regular rate.

4 Characterization using different voices
I need 5 volunteers to read a quick poem! You should over exaggerate and be as dramatic as possible.

5 Using Emotion I need 1 volunteer to say the following using different emotions: What’s so funny? Happy Sad Angry Afraid

6 Using Emotion I need 8 volunteers to read one line while expressing emotion! When each volunteer is done, the audience should guess what emotion the person is trying to convey.

7 Delivery Techniques Stance: Face the audience, feet shoulder width apart Posture: stand up straight unless the poem calls for a change in emotion that requires a different posture (e.g., slumping may show sadness) Gestures: hands should remain at your sides until gestures are appropriate to support the content of the poem. Movement: should always be purposeful and planned Eye Contact: Maintain eye contact with audience members (except for the ones that might make you laugh)

8 Delivery Exercise One volunteer needed to read a poem of their choice (or I can provide one for you). Audience: Each time one of the following happens while the volunteer is reciting the poem, CLAP ONCE: Person is not standing up straight. Person is not making eye contact. Person uses inappropriate gestures (e.g., tugging at clothing) Person is swaying or moving awkwardly

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