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Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type

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1 Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type
Author: Doreen Cronin Illustrated by: Betsy Lewin

2 understand What Does It Mean? If you understand something, you know what it means. Sentence: These children talk to each other with their hands. They understand sign language. Think About It: Do you or someone you know understand more that one language? Explain.

3 gathered What Does It Mean? People who have gathered have come together as a group. Sentence: The students gathered around the computer in order to see the screen. Think About It: Have you ever gathered with some of your friends? What did you do?

4 impatient What Does It Mean? If you are impatient, you are not able to wait calmly. Sentence: This girl looks impatient. She is tired of waiting so long. Think About It: What is something that makes you impatient?

5 impossible What Does It Mean? If something is impossible, it cannot be done. Sentence: It is impossible to hear when there is so much noise. Think About It: What is impossible for a pet to do?

6 believe What Does It Mean? If you believe something, you think that it is real or true. Sentence: People clap if they believe, or feel, someone has done a good job. Think About It: Do you believe that plants can talk? Why or why not?

7 problem What Does It Mean? If you have a problem, you have a question or situation that needs to be answered or solved. Sentence: Raise your hand if you have a problem or need help. Think About It: Did you ever have a problem unzipping your jacket?

8 demand What Does It Mean? If you demand, you ask or tell someone to do something very firmly. Sentence: These lights and sirens demand that everyone get out of the way. Think About It: Did you ever demand that someone do something for you? What was it?

9 furious What Does It Mean? Someone who is furious is feeling very angry. Sentence: Babies cry when they are angry. This baby is furious! Think About It: How does someone who is furious look?

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