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Objective: Explain the importance of Civil Rights legislation

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1 Objective: Explain the importance of Civil Rights legislation
Voting Rights Objective: Explain the importance of Civil Rights legislation


3 Freedom Summer Literacy tests, poll taxes, and violence were used in the south to keep African-Americans from voting.




7 Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned different voting standards for blacks and whites.
24th Amendment outlawed poll taxes

8 Despite the laws, African-Americans still faced difficulty voting in the south
1964, SNCC organized a voter-registration drive in the south called Freedom Summer

9 SNCC brought college students from the north to help register African-American voters in Mississippi

10 Volunteers endured bombings, beatings, arrests, and murder

11 1965 – MLK and SCLC organize voter registration drive and protest march in Alabama
March 7 – protestors are attacked crossing a bridge in Selma

12 Violence was broadcast on national tv

13 President Johnson warned he would tolerate no more violence and sent troops to protect the march

14 August 6, 1965- President Johnson signed into law the Voting Rights Act
Law banned literacy tests and other laws that kept blacks from registering to vote

15 Law also sent federal officials to register voters
African-Americans voter registrations rose from 10% to 60% in Selma within weeks


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