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Español 2 lunes el 26 de febrero

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1 Español 2 lunes el 26 de febrero
Daily Warm Up (pick up new sheet) Termina la película (finish movie) Recap of Future Tense (if time) Check future/near future/career worksheet Tarea/HW: -Memorize new Future Tense endings and review your vocab 2.1 list of jobs/verbs. *Near future vs. Future Mini Test Wed or Thu.* Singo, vocab games

2 Español 2 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up
Lunes 2/26/18 Use 2.1 vocab sheet, to review the following verbs. Give both definitions (Spa./Eng.) Apagar incendios= Conducir = Decir= Diseñar = Prestar = Ayudar a la gente=

3 Español 1 lunes el 26 de febrero
You need your picture cards!! Daily Warm Up (pick up new sheet) Termina la película (finish movie) Recap of the Verb “Ir” (to go) If we have time at end of hour Tarea/HW: -Review your Notes on “Ir” & 4.2 vocab *Mini Test on Ir (to go) Wed.2/28!!!* Monday: Go over Querer, Ir, Jugar sentences sheet, Singo card and play singo

4 Español 1 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up
lunes 2/26/18 List the Spanish subject & verb for each phrase below. Use your Ir notes for help. I go/am going= She goes/is going= You go/are going= We go/are going= They (f) go/are going= Pick Up White board supplies when done.

5 Español 2 martes el 27 de febrero
Necestias el libro. Daily Warm Up Finish Movie (4th hr.) Recap of Future vs. Near Future Video review & notebook notes Correct careers/future/near future worksheet Tarea/HW: -Review new Future Tense/near future notes and review your vocab 2.1 list of jobs/verbs. *Mini Test Tomorrow!!* Vocab quiz 9, begin study guide

6 Español 2 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up
martes 2/27/18 Write out each full statement and fill in the missing information. The _____ tense tells when someone is “going” to do something. The _____ tense tells when someone ”will” to do something. El abogado __________ (will give advice). La profesora __________ (is going to teach). Yo ______ (will fix) los carros.

7 Español 1 martes el 27 de enero
Necesitas el libro. Daily Warm Up Finish Movie (6th hr.) Ir (to go) Review Video review Practice sentences in cuaderno (show me before you get your phone) Tarea/HW: -Review your Notes on “Ir” & 4.2 vocab *Mini Test on Ir (to go) Tomorrow!!!* Vocab quiz 3.2, begin study guide

8 Español 1 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up
martes 2/27/18 Write down the Spanish translation for each sentence. I am going to the library tomorrow. = She is going to the stadium this week end. = We are going to leave/go out. = You (inf) are going to watch/see the game. =

9 Español 2 miércoles el 28 de febrero
¡Necesitas un libro! Daily Warm Up EXAMENITO: Mini Test on Future/Near Future Indirect Object Pronouns (IOPs) Read about IOPs Notes on IOPs (we will do together) Tarea/HW: -Study new IOP notes You need the Picture cards!

10 Español 2 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up
miércoles 2/28/18 5 minute Quick Review: Last look over your notes or vocab.

11 EXAMEN: TEST 2/28/18 MAKE SURE YOUR PHONE IS PARKED UP FRONT IN YOUR ASSIGNED POCKET. No talking while people are testing. When you finish: Get a book and read over the bullet points 1-4 on Indirect Object Pronouns on pg. 50.

12 Español 1 miércoles el 28 de febrero
Daily Warm Up MINI T EST: THE VERB IR (TO GO) Verb conjugation Notes: AR, ER, IR verbs Practice Work: 8 practice verbs on back of notes. Tarea/HW: -Review the old AR verb endings and memorize the new ER & IR endings. You need the Picture cards! Necesitas el libro.

13 Español 1 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up
miércoles 2/28/18 5 minute Quick Review: Last look over your notes or vocab.

14 EXAMEN: TEST 2/28/18 MAKE SURE YOUR PHONE IS PARKED UP FRONT IN YOUR ASSIGNED POCKET. No talking while people are testing. When you finish:Work on other work until all testers are finished. Or just sit and wait silently.

15 Español 2 jueves el 1 de marzo
Daily Warm Up Finish IOP notes -Add Dar & Decir & complete the practice problems -Put in Cuaderno Ex. 6 from textbook pg. 51 Do in the cuaderno Write out full statements & highlight the indirect object & the IOP. Tarea/HW: -Study new IOP notes ¡Necesitas un libro!

16 Español 2 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up
jueves 3/1/18 Write down each Spanish term and its English meaning. Use your IOP notes for help. Me= Te= Le= Nos= Les=

17 Español 1 jueves el 1 de marzo
You might want a highlighter today. Daily Warm Up Finish Verb Conjugation Notes Put in Cuaderno Verb Conjugation Packet (ar,er,ir) Check in on HW log when done. Tarea/HW: -Review the old AR verb endings and memorize the new ER & IR endings.

18 Español 1 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up
jueves 3/1/18 Use your verb ending notes and conjugate the following verbs. Ella/salir Tú/abrir Nosotros/poner Ellos/hacer Yo/estudiar

19 Español 2 viernes el 2 de marzo
Daily Warm Up (turn in) Human Setences with IOPs Write & translate in cuaderno La Vieja Doncella (old maid) game (if time) Future MASH activity (if time) Tarea/HW: -Study new IOP notes & practice work. -Review 2.1 vocab You need the Picture cards! Lunes (M): IOPs are awesome WS and maybe white boards Wed. test, new vocab 2.1

20 Español 2 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up
viernes 3/2/18 Write down & fill in the blank with the correct IOP. Then translate the sentence to English. La profesora ____ lee un libro a los estudiantes. El cartero ____ trae el correo (mail) a ti. El comerciante ____ puede vender ropa a Jose. Me Nos Te Os Le Les

21 Español 1 viernes el 2 de marzo
Daily Warm Up (turn in) Video Recap: AR,ER, IR conjugations White Board Practice ER/IR verb drills WS #3 Turn it in today when complete. Tarea/HW: -Review the old AR verb endings and memorize the new ER & IR endings. Monday: maybe a game with ar,er,ir verbs??, common verbs vocab & Let’s conjugate worksheet (1-10)

22 Español 1 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up
viernes 3/2/18 Conjugate the following verbs. Then tell what it means in English. Ex. Yo/cantar Yo Canto. = I sing. Yo/asistir_______ = _______ Tú/beber _______ = _______ Él/poner _______ = _______ Nostoros/hacer _______ = _______ Uds./abrir _______ = _______

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