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Calorimetry@NICADD.next2yrs Vishnu V. Zutshi For the NICADD team.

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Presentation on theme: "Calorimetry@NICADD.next2yrs Vishnu V. Zutshi For the NICADD team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calorimetry@NICADD.next2yrs
Vishnu V. Zutshi For the NICADD team

2 Introduction The goal Where we are The road ahead
Sincere thanks to NICADD personnel for providing advice and input for this My personal opinions to start the discussions NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

3 The Goal Take a leadership role in calorimeter R&D for the Linear Collider Detector Focus on scintillator-based (semi)digital hadron calorimeter Develop simulations and algorithms to fully exploit the power of the proposed calorimeters (Dhiman’s talk) NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

4 Linear Collider Detector
ECAL and HCAL inside coil NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

5 Single Particle Resolutions
NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

6 Where We Are Light yield Tile-fiber system optimization Layer stack
Photo-detectors NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

7 MIP Light Yield 9.4 cm2 cells with sigma grooves, 0.94
mm fiber, readout w/ 16-channel PMT. Avg. MIP LY = 11 p.e. Very sensitive function of tile-fiber specifics. NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

8 Tile-Fiber Studies NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

9 In Progress NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

10 Light Yield Dispersion
Within 15% desired Light Yield Dispersion NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

11 Layer Stack NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

12 Reading out the Layer Stack
4 layers being read out NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

13 Layer Stack Next Steps Understand the response of the 4 layers currently being readout Readout all 84 channels with pmt’s Gradually replace some layers with solid-state photo-detectors like Si-PM’s, APD or MRS May need to replace the cells NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

14 Avalanche Photo Diodes
32 channel Hamamatsu matrix. 80% QE, gains in the low 100’s. NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

15 APD Gain Studies NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

16 APD Next Steps Wrap up gain measurements (both APD’s)
Fabricate APD box Cross calibrate with PMT Alternate test-stand Try to obtain mip signal for a single channel Multi-channel readout Study temperature dependence NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

17 Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM)
Si-PM’s ~1K pixels on 1mm2 Pixels of the SiPM SiPM Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM) MEPhI&PULSAR NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

18 Preliminary Results with Si-PM’s
MRS devices expected end of the month NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

19 Manpower Tile-Fiber System: Sasha, Peter (leaving soon)
+ LC Muon + MUCOOL + D0 Tile-Fiber System: Sasha, Peter (leaving soon) Layer Stack: Kurt*, Donna* APD: Dimitri* Si-PM: Victor Electronics: Manuel, Victor Electrical and Mechanical Shops + Extruder Intends to teach * Doing coursework NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

20 Funding Requests 10K “planning” grant awarded NICADD Retreat

21 The Road Ahead Test Beam Collaboration Tail-Catcher Electronics
Additional funding Papers NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

22 Test Beam Fully test the detection and readout chains
Gain experience with Detailed verification of GEANT4 Testing Eflow algorithms Low to moderate E pions (1-20 GeV) Place: Fermi? Protvino? ? 1m x 1m x 1m prototype needed NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

23 Collaboration with DESY?
The “other” scintillator option 1m3 prototype late 04 to early 05 Should we seek partnership with them? In my opinion we do not have much choice if we want to go beyond the layer stack the lack of a technology alternative cost of fully instrumented 1m3 prototype NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

24 Projected Funding Profile
NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

25 Testbeam Layout NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

26 Test Beam Simulation s/E measured w.r.t. full 9cm2 grid E (GeV) 5.0
10.0 15.0 20.0 s/E 30-20 0.97 1.06 1.08 1.10 20-30 1.0 1.07 1.14 1.17 NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

27 Tail-Catcher Also functions as a muon system
Overlaps muon R&D Tail-Catcher Also functions as a muon system 5% of the tracks deposit energy outside the calorimeters Prob./event > 20GeV (in tail-catcher)~4% For the test-beam however, it is an exclusive piece of apparatus Do we want to build this and how? NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

28 Tail-Catcher for the Testbeam
2-3 l thick, 1.5 x 1.5 m2 Iron/Steel as absorber Extruded strips (X-Y ?) 4-5 layers PMT or Si-PM readout Do we want to make it such that it also serves as a muon-prototype? ~10 cm thick Fe WLS 5mm thick scint.? NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

29 Electronics Development of semi-digital readout electronics
Must smoothly interface into the CALICE test beam DAQ NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

30 A Possible Course of Action
Take part in CALICE testbeam Instrument layers of 3x3 grid ( cells: $12-15K) Take responsibility for the tail-catcher (major infrastructure cost is iron ~ 0-10K + 2-5K for photodetectors + labor + transportation  ask DESY or Fermilab) Design and fabricate semi-digital electronics NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

31 DOE Funding? Possibility exists of getting DOE support for LC related calorimeter R&D Cannot ask money for the same things eventhough the money being earmarked for them is not enough Possible projects: Instrumentation and/or electronics for n layers tail-catcher NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

32 Papers IEEE Transactions (November):
mostly on tile-fiber system optimization + some motivation from simulation NIM (early 2004): hardware and simulation paper establishing the feasibility of a scintillator-based (semi)digital hcal Test-beam related articles (late 2004): NICADD Retreat 11/20/2018

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