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FirstLine_Tx_ 129 MRI (manually corrected results) Pixel size

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1 FirstLine_Tx_ 129 MRI (manually corrected results) Pixel size Pixel size Pixel size

2 BPF vs T2, natural clustering pattern

3 Cases of interest, based on cutoff 2 clusters
17843 15302 16056

4 % difference of raw data
02/14/2013 REFNO CSF, ml ICC, ml T2, ml BPF PIXELSIZE, mm Slice thikness, mm FirstLineTx_ 15302 273.44 0.82 0.8437 0.9375 3.0000 CASE #67 16056 314.01 18.16 0.7636 CASE #37 17292 266.16 2.33 0.8107 0.7813 CASE #8 18188 169.69 2.55 0.8811 0.8594 CASE #30 17843 150.85 10.47 0.8704 CASE #52 19338 102.76 2.64 0.9184 CASE #1 REFNO Date of Scan Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 15302 07/10/06 0.9375 1.32 0.82 38% 33% 16056 10/26/06 21.08 18.16 14% 11% 17292 04/20/07 0.69 2.33 -238% 77% 18188 08/15/07 1.95 2.55 -31% 19% 17843 10/20/05 9.71 10.47 -8% 5% 19338 08/23/06 0.57 2.64 -363% 91% mean 39% 5/15/13 refno pixsz volA volB Apixels Bpixels ABpixels DICE 15302 0.9375 1.28 0.82 486 311 101 16056 20.91 18.1 7932 6888 4719 17292 0.7813 0.683 2.33 373 1275 214 17843 9.61 10.46 3646 3969 2695 18188 0.8594 1.92 2.55 868 1153 395 19338 0.527 2.64 288 1440 77 7/24/13

5 % difference of raw data
5/15/13 REFNO Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 15302 mm 1.32 0.82 38% 33% refno pixsz volA volB Apixels Bpixels ABpixels DICE 15302 0.9375 1.28 0.82 486 311 101 7/24/13 REFNO Pixel size Rater1 (ml) Rater2 , ml 15302 mm 1.281 0.82 8/8/13

6 % difference of raw data
REFNO Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 16056 0.9375 21.08 18.16 14% 11% 5/15/13 refno pixsz volA volB Apixels Bpixels ABpixels DICE 16056 0.9375 20.91 18.1 7932 6888 4719 7/24/13 REFNO Pixel size Rater1,ml Rater2 , ml 16056 0.9375 20.914 18.162 8/8/13

7 % difference of raw data
REFNO Pixel size T2 LV (cc) T2LV , ml % difference of raw data COV 17843 0.9375 9.71 10.47 -8% 5% 5/15/13 refno pixsz volA volB Apixels Bpixels ABpixels DICE 17843 0.9375 9.61 10.46 3646 3969 2695 7/24/13 REFNO Pixel size Rater1 (ml) Rater2 , ml 17843 0.9375 9.613 10.465 8/8/13

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