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Emulsion Task Force Meeting

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1 Emulsion Task Force Meeting
Scrub Seal Update Andrew Hanz Mathy Construction Emulsion Task Force Meeting Indianapolis, IN June 21, 2018

2 Subcommittee Membership
Codrin Daranga Andy Clayton Hussain Bahia Ken Gryzbowski Jeff Schoger Kevin Carlson Katy Fleury

3 Why have a specification?
Scrub seal is being used effectively throughout the US. All based on proprietary specifications. Universal specification Reduces confusion Promotes competition Promotes innovation

4 Components of the Materials Spec
Polymer Modified Rejuvenating Emulsion Emulsion Emulsion Residue Rejuvenating Agent Polymer Aggregate Gradation Quality Requirements

5 Why was the spec. pulled back
Why was the spec. pulled back? Emulsion Residue Properties – Polymer Identification Original Proposed test was MSCR %R, 3.2kPa at 10C >55%. Elastomeric Systems Test could not differentiate between PMAs and CRS-2. Test temperature too low and material too stiff. Solution: MSCR at 52°C and 0.1kPa Non-Elastomeric Systems MSCR or other elasticity test does not identify polymer presence. Solution: TBD

6 Scrub Seal vs Conventional Chip Seal Emulsions
DSR at 52°C MSCR %R 0.1 %R 3.2 G*/sind delta 10 52 58 CMS-2P 2.86 77 75.5% 29.9% 19.4% 68.3% 8.7% 3.0% CRS-2 3.228 85.3 63.0% 4.2% -0.4% 61.1% 0.8% 0.0% CRS-2P 4.494 74.4 77.7% 48.7% 47.7% 69.8% 26.8% 14.0% HFRS-2 5.13 76.8 79.5% 61.8% 53.9% 72.3% 10.5% 3.4% HFRS-2P 5.228 66.8 86.4% 83.0% 80.7% 78.4% 59.7% 35.0%

7 Emulsion Specification Table - Elastomeric
PMREa Grade Min Max Tests on residue from distillationd:    Penetration, 4°C (39°F), 200 g, 60 s, 0.1 mm 40 Or G* at 4°C 10 rad/s, 1% strain at TBD Elastic Recovery, 25C T301 50?    OR MSCR Percent Recovery at 0.1 kPa, 52°C (50°F), % 20    Ash Content, % 1    Viscosity, 60°C (140°F), Pa∙S 500 Or Jnr at 52°C 4.5?? D Residue preparation for testing may use the alternate methods, R 78, ASTM D7403, or ASTM D7944, so as not to negatively affect the properties of any polymer modifiers contained therein

8 Motivation for Changes
Allow “Old” and “New” Test Methods Old: Penetration, viscosity, elastic recovery New: All DSR based Why? – Testing Time and Effort All residue approval tests could be conducted on one machine. Use of moisture balance significantly reduces time.

9 Next Steps All scrub seal emulsions Elastomeric Systems
Evaluate demulsibility requirements. Considering removing from specification or a very high maximum (i.e. 80%) Elastomeric Systems Distribute data table and solicit test results using “Old” and “New” approaches. Non-elastomeric Systems Evaluate NCHRP 9-50 approach for polymer identification.

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