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Presentation on theme: "RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME LEADER"— Presentation transcript:


2 “Links between Actions for the Development of the Rural Economy”
What is LEADER? An EU and National Exchequer funded Programme since 1991 From a French acronym which means “Links between Actions for the Development of the Rural Economy”

3 LEADER – what does it do? Provides rural communities across the European Union with the resources to enable local partners to actively engage and direct the local development of their area. It is delivered locally by Local Action Groups (LAG’s) 29 Local Action Groups (LAGs) in Ireland

4 LEADER – who is involved?
European Union Irish Government: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Department of Rural and Community Development Pobal Locally: Westmeath Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), Westmeath County Council and Westmeath Community Development

5 LEADER in Co. Westmeath LEADER has been supporting communities and enterprises for over 20 years in County Westmeath. LEADER II ( ) LEADER + ( ) and Rural Development LEADER Programme ( ) LEADER Programme (Budget of €5.5m for projects)

6 LEADER Programme 2014-2020 2. Social Inclusion 3. Rural Environment
Each LEADER area has a Local Development Strategy – (LDS) which is set out under the following Themes: 1. Economic Development, Enterprise Development and Job Creation 2. Social Inclusion 3. Rural Environment

7 LEADER Theme 1: Economic Development, Enterprise Development & Job Creation Sub-themes: 1.1 Rural Tourism (water-based activities, outdoor recreation, heritage, clusters/networks, promotion) 1.2 Enterprise Development (food, crafts, creative industries, agri-diversification, renewable energy) 1.3 Rural Towns (enhancement works, development of recreation spaces and community facilities) 1.4 Broadband (ICT Training, small scale equipment)

8 LEADER 2014-2020 Theme 2: Social Inclusion Sub-themes:
2.1 Basic Services for Hard to Reach Communities (community facilities and services, recreational infrastructure) 2.2 Rural Youth (improvement of youth cafes/clubs including social, recreational and educational activities)

9 LEADER 2014-2020 Theme 3: Rural Environment Sub-themes:
3.1 Protection and sustainable use of Water Resources (education and awareness on protection and conservation of water). 3.2 Protection and Improvement of Local Biodiversity (education and awareness, training) 3.3 Development of Renewable Energy (education and awareness for communities, feasibility studies on production and use of green technologies within the community)

10 LEADER 2014-2020 What grant aid is available? Capital grant aid
Community - up to 75% to a maximum of €200,000 Private (businesses/individual) – up to 50% to a maximum of €200,000 Feasibility studies, business/marketing plans Community – up to 90% to a maximum of €30,000 Private (businesses/individual) – up to 75% to a maximum of €30,000 Training Communities and Collectives - up to 100%

11 LEADER 2014-2020 When can I apply? Open Rolling Calls in 2018
Across all sub-themes for community type projects as well as tourism and enterprise projects. Targeted call in 2018 Community Playground Facilities - Currently closed for Applications. Will re- open in 2019/2020.)

12 LEADER 2014-2020 How do I apply? 1st stage: 2nd stage:
Two Stage Application Process 1st stage: Complete an Expression of Interest Form (EOI) Brief overview of project along with estimated costs. Projects deemed eligible in principle and in line with LEADER Strategy proceed to the next stage; 2nd stage: Full Application stage: Completed Application Form accompanied by supporting documentation which will include:

13 LEADER 2014-2020 Supporting Documentation required with Application:
Tenders/Quotations, Group Constitution/Governance document, Area Plan/Business Plan, Insurance details, Finance (match funds and bridging finance/overdraft) Previous 3 year accounts, Income and Expenditure Previous 3 months bank statements Tax Clearance (e-tax & VAT) for Promoter & Contractors/Suppliers For Capital Works to Land/Buildings – also required are: Evidence of Title – Leases/Licence Agreements Evidence of Planning Permission being in place or an Exemption from Planning Section Plans and Drawings of proposed works

14 LEADER 2014 -2020 Assessment and Approval stage:
Applications are assessed by Independent Evaluation Committee and recommendations are then made to The LCDC - Westmeath Local Community Development Committee (LAG) for approval Letter of Offer and Acceptance of grant conditions Project can Commence NO WORK SHOULD COMMENCE UNTIL ACCEPTANCE OF LETTER OF OFFER

Westmeath Community Development Mullingar E.T.I. Cntr., Mullingar Business Park, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath T: or in Athlone Unit 4 Rockdean Building, Blyry Business Park, Athlone, Co. Westmeath T: Website: Bernie Leavy - Brian Killian - Peter Ormond –


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