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Japan PV Committee /Japan PV Materials Committee Liaison Reports

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Presentation on theme: "Japan PV Committee /Japan PV Materials Committee Liaison Reports"— Presentation transcript:

1 Japan PV Committee /Japan PV Materials Committee Liaison Reports
Taiwan PV Committee May 10, 2012 Hsinchu, Taiwan China PV Committee May 11, 2012 Jiangsu, China

2 PV Committee Leadership
Co-chairs Kazuhiko Kashima /Covalent Materials PV Committee representative to the JRSC GCS voting member Masaaki Yamamichi /AIST Hiromu Takatsuka /Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Terry Asakawa /Tokyo Electron <Month> <Year> <Region> <Committee>

3 PV Materials Committee Leadership
Committee Co-chairs Kazuhiko Kashima /Covalent Materials PV Materials Committee representative to the JRSC GCS voting member Takashi Ishihara /Mitsubishi Tetsuo Fukuda /AIST Newly-appointed as co-chair Masaaki Yamamichi /AIST step down as co-chair. New <Month> <Year> <Region> <Committee>

4 PV Committee Organization
Japan PV Committee Kazuhiko Kashima /Covalent Materials Masaaki Yamamichi /AIST Hiromu Takatsuka /Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Terry Asakawa /Tokyo Electron Disbanded PV Safety SG Yasuhiro Yamauchi /Mitsubishi Heavy Industries The PV Safety Study Group was disbanded at the committee meeting on 10 April 2012.

5 PV Materials Committee Organization
Japan PV Materials Committee Kazuhiko Kashima/ Covalent Materials Takashi Ishihara/ Mitsubishi Electric Tetsuo Fukuda/AIST New Japan PV Materials TF Masaaki Yamamichi/ AIST ※ Takashi Ishihara/ Mitsubishi Electric ※ Masaaki Yamamichi/ AIST will step down as a co-leader of the Japan PV Materials TF and Tetsuo Fukuda/ AIST will take over it at the next Japan PV Materials committee meeting in June 14, 2012.

6 Meeting Information Last Meeting Next Meeting
April 10, 2012 at SEMI Japan, Tokyo, Japan Next Meeting June 14, 2012 at SEMI Japan, Tokyo, Japan NOTE: The committee meetings were/ will be jointly held.

7 Japan PV Materials Committee Task Force Updates
Japan PV Materials Task Force Venue, Location, Date

8 Japan PV Materials Task Force 1/2: TF Operation
Leader Masaaki Yamamichi/ AIST Takashi Ishihara/ Mitsubishi Electric Charter Identify standardization needs and priorities for specifications, guidelines and procedures related to Materials used for manufacturing PV cells/modules and systems. Examples of such material include, but are not limited to: substrates, TCO films, optical enhancement films, conductive interconnect, insulator materials, absorber films, PVB, EVA, backsheet, sputtering targets, starting material e.g. UMG Si, Poly-si, etc. Participate and support the PV Standards Roadmap discussion. Scope Survey PV producers, material suppliers, other SDOs (e,g, ASTM, etc.) consortia (e.g. NREL, NIST, etc.) and DOE interests to validate and prioritize the prospective materials list. Develop a list of key players to support the TF efforts. Find leaders for selected TF activities. Generate a document development plan Shared the outcome of NA and EU meetings.

9 Japan PV Materials Task Force 2/2: Doc. #5417
The SNARF of Doc. #5417 “New Standard: Test Method for Measurement of Defects in PV Silicon Wafers in PV Modules by Electroluminescence Imaging” was approved at the committee meeting on 10 April, 2012 Rationale Defects in Si wafers in PV modules are a key parameter affecting module performance and reliability. Electroluminescence (EL) has been employed to measure in high volume module in production. However, a standardized test method for measuring defects by EL is currently not available, neither off-line nor in-line measurement. This often results in uncertain discussions about the wafer quality between suppliers and customers. The standardized test method for defects in PV Si wafers in PV modules by EL is required for improving PV module performance and reliability. Scope This standard defines the test method for crack measurement in PV silicon wafers in PV modules by EL imaging, including EL measurement tool setup and suggestions in interpreting measurement results. This standard does not intend to cover all kinds of defect detected by EL but crack only.

10 Thank you! For more information, please contact:
Hiro’fumi Kanno, SEMI Japan

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