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Newcastle Gateshead Involvement Forum Invite , :00pm

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1 Newcastle Gateshead Involvement Forum Invite 25.06.18, 10.00-1:00pm
Venue: Bewicks B, Gateshead Civic Centre NE8 1HH, You are invited to the meeting of the Newcastle Gateshead Involvement Forum chaired by Chris Piercy, Executive Director of Nursing, Patient Safety and Quality. This meeting is for representatives from voluntary and community organisations. Joanne Mackintosh from Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust will be discussing the Northern Cancer Voices project and engagement around cancer. We will also be joined by David Forrester from Prostate Cancer UK, who will be exploring the identification, treatment, and experience of Prostate Cancer. Registration is required for this meeting, please contact Jayne Lofthouse on or to confirm your place. Please register any special requirements

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