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Font tag and its attributes

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1 Font tag and its attributes
Hexadecimal value Special Character Nesting tags Attribute of heading, <p> and <hr> tag Attributes of <body> tag Inserting Images Marquee tag

2 Font tag and its attributes
Attribute list  attributename=“value” <font color=“ ” size=“ ” face=“ ” >…</font> Standard color name Hexadecimal value 1 - 7 Arial, Courier, Times, Script, Georgia, etc

3 Hexadecimal value Color values consist of 6 characters of hexadecimal (Base 16) preceded by hash symbol (# pound) Each character in hexadecimal value, uses numbers 0-9 or characters A-F. 2 characters for Red, 2 characters for Green and 2 characters for Blue White  #ffffff Black  #000000

4 Special Character Special characters are characters which have a meaning in HTML or cannot by typed through keyboard For example, less than < , greater than >, spaces, quotation, copyright Special character are expressed using a special name or numeric character < >   ©

5 Nesting tags Tags placed within an affected segment of another tag for multiple effect is known as Nesting tags Example <b>This text is bold and <u>underlined </u> </b>

6 Attribute of heading, <p> and <hr>
<p align=“ “> ………</p> left, right, center <hn align=” ”>………</hn> n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Integer or percentage Color Name or Hexadecimal value Integer <hr width=“ ” size=“ ” color=“ ”> Length of the horizontal rule Thickness of the horizontal rule

7 Attributes of <body> tag
Foreground color for the entire document Background color for the document Background image file for the document <body text=“ ” bgcolor=“ ” background=“ ” leftmargin=“ ” rightmargin=“ ” topmargin=“ ” bottommargin=“ ”> ……………………. </body>

8 Inserting Images <img src=“ ” align=“ ” width=“ ” height=“ ”
Source value is name of the image file left, right, middle, center, top, bottom Integer or percentage <img src=“ ” align=“ ” width=“ ” height=“ ” alt=“ ” hspace=“ ” vspace=“ ” border=“ ” > Alternate specifies description of the image Horizontal space surrounding the image Vertical space surrounding the image Thickness of the rectangular border around the image

9 Marquee tag Direction for text or image -- left, right, up, down Behavior of text or image -- scroll, slide, alternate Background color for the marquee area <marquee direction=“ ” behavior=“ ” bgcolor=“ ” width=“ ” height=“ ” scrollamount=“ ” scrolldelay=“ ” > ……………… The number of pixels between moving the text or image The time between movement in millisecond </marquee>

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