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Limited Enrollment Period

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1 Limited Enrollment Period
February 1- February 29, 2016 For individuals participating in premium conversion Not an extension of Open Season A decrease in enrollment to Self Plus One will be the only enrollment change allowed As previously notified, enrollees in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program had their first opportunity to select a Self Plus One enrollment type during Open Season 2015 for effective dates in January Under most circumstances, enrollment changes made outside of Open Season are only allowed based on a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). However, given that the addition of a new enrollment type is a change of unprecedented proportion in the FEHB Program, OPM will allow certain enrollment changes to be made during a Limited Enrollment Period. This Limited Enrollment Period will run from February 1, 2016 until February 29, These dates are final. Limited Enrollment Period (February 1-February 29) Allows individuals participating in premium conversion (pre-tax deduction of premiums from paycheck) to decrease enrollment to Self Plus One– individuals who do not participate in premium conversion can decrease enrollment at any time. No other enrollment changes will be allowed Not an extension of Open Season– we are not focusing on this in our communications materials. This will encourage more Self Plus One enrollment among active employees, who may have lower healthcare costs than annuitants and give enrollees who miss Open Season and want to take advantage of the new enrollment type an opportunity to do so.

2 Limited Enrollment Period Changes
The following applies to changes made during this Limited Enrollment Period: Only for employees enrolled in Self and Family. No changes in plans, no option changes, no increases or other decreases in enrollment are allowed. All enrollment changes will be prospective to the first day of the first pay period following the one in which the change is requested. Use QLE code 1Z to initiate a change during the Limited Enrollment Period. 11/22/201811/22/2018

3 Additional Information
Benefits Administration Letter Subject: Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program: Self Plus One Final Rule Published For additional information you may visit our website. Please review the Benefits Administration Letter This BAL provided detailed information about the Limited Enrollment Period. 11/22/201811/22/2018

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