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Classification: Everything Fits Somewhere

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1 Classification: Everything Fits Somewhere
Common Places: Integrated Reading and Writing Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education.  All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

2 Emergency response professionals are trained to classify victims in categories based on their medical condition (triage). Classification starts with a group of things (objects, people, ideas, etc.).

3 To classify, use characteristics to describe each category.
Characteristics of items in each category 4 Categories To classify, use characteristics to describe each category.

4 Prewriting ideas can be classified in categories.
Topic stated as a question: What changes could be made in the public school system to increase student learning? -- separate schools for boys and girls -- increased discipline -- make high schools have a career track path -- more technology -- give internships to deserving high school students -- uniforms -- make high school start later in the day -- cut down the # of hours of the school day -- create a “free college” program so that students who make a certain gpa in high school get to go to college free -- make parents pay fines for their children’s bad behavior or bad grades Prewriting ideas can be classified in categories.

5 -- separate schools for boys and girls
-- increased discipline -- make high schools have a career track path -- more technology -- give internships to deserving high school students Improve social environment Improve social environment Identify the similarities between the ideas and create appropriate categories. Focus on the Future Tune in to Students’ Desires Focus on the Future

6 -- uniforms -- make high school start later in the day -- cut down the # of hours of the school day -- create a “free college” program so that students who make a certain gpa in high school get to go to college free -- make parents pay fines for their children’s bad behavior or bad grades Improve social environment Tune in to Students’ Desires Tune in to Students’ Desires Identify the similarities between the ideas and create appropriate categories (cont.). Improve social environment Focus on the Future

7 Once you create categories, you can organize your ideas clearly.

8 Essays that use classification often present types.
Examples of Classification Essay Topics Types of offenders in juvenile detention Types of rebels in American films Types of religious groups Types of eating disorders Types of responses to stress Types of country music Essays that use classification often present types.

9 Try your hand at classification.
Prewrite about reality TV shows. Make a list of all of the reality TV shows you can think of. Put the shows into categories. 3. Make a list of the characteristics of each category. Try your hand at classification.

10 The End

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