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People Life in 1600s Eve of Revolution American Revolution American

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Presentation on theme: "People Life in 1600s Eve of Revolution American Revolution American"— Presentation transcript:

1 People Life in 1600s Eve of Revolution American Revolution American Revolution 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

2 Leader of the Continental Army

3 George Washington

4 American General who switched sides

5 Benedict Arnold

6 Author of Poor Richard’s Almanac

7 Ben Franklin

8 British General who surrendered at Yorktown

9 Charles Cornwallis

10 German who came in an helped train the colonial troops

11 Baron Von Steuben

12 What was the number one cash crop in the Chesapeake region?

13 Tobacco

14 The name of the boat ride over for future slaves from Africa to America

15 The middle passage

16 How did people make money off the triangular trade

17 The merchants would buy and sell different products such as molasses, sugar, guns, rum etc.

18 What were the causes of the Salem Witch Trials?

19 Easier entry into the Puritan church and the income gap between Salem Town and Salem village.

20 How did Bacon’s Rebellion lead to slavery in the colonies

21 Land owners no longer wanted to mess with indentured servants

22 Who did the British fight in the seven years war?

23 France

24 What did the Proclamation of 1763 forbid Colonists to do?

25 Settle West of the Appalachians

26 Why did Britain enact the Stamp Act?

27 To help pay for the war with France

28 What was the name of the group behind the resistance movement against Britain?

29 The Sons of Liberty

30 What was the goal of the first Continental Congress?

31 To get the Intolerable and Quebec Acts repealed

32 The name of Thomas Paine’s pamphlet calling for revolution

33 Common Sense

34 What was the nickname of a loyalist

35 Torie

36 What was the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition?

37 To offer one last attempt at Peace with Britain

38 What was the significance of the Battle at Bunker Hill?

39 Colonists had a moral victory

40 What was the significance of Washington crossing the Delaware on Christmas night 1776?

41 Surprised the Hessians and gave troops a morale boost.

42 What was the style of fighting used by the colonists?

43 Guerilla Warfare

44 What is the significance of the Battle of Saratoga?

45 Turning point of the war and France enters on side of the colonists

46 What is the significance of the Battle at Yorktown?

47 The British surrender

48 Give one reason why Jefferson was chosen as the author of the Declaration of Independence?

49 He was from the middle of the colonies, good handwriting, good writer

50 Where was the peace treaty signed that ended the American Revolution?

51 France

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