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Pharmacy Diversity Survey Summary 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Pharmacy Diversity Survey Summary 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pharmacy Diversity Survey Summary 2017
Academic staff responses = 41 (N=41; 100%) % Count % Count Female 51 21 Male 49 20

2 Country of highest qualification
18% (8) 9% (4) 4% (2) % Count Australia 66 27 Canada 2 1 China 2 1 Denmark 2 1 Germany 2 1 Poland 2 1 Singapore 5 1 UK 10 4 USA 7 3 Wales 2 1 66% (27) Country of highest qualification

3 Languages (other than English)
19 different languages

4 25 (61%) staff indicated they spoke at least one language other than English 19 different languages spoken 8 Staff who speak 2 or more other languages Top 2 French Mandarin Is “Australian” a language?!

5 How we describe ourselves
49 different descriptors

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