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I. Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency – Domestic Affairs

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1 I. Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency – Domestic Affairs

2 A. Election of 1800 Who won the Election of 1800?
How many electoral votes did he win by? How is this election both similar to and different from the Election of 1796? How did the election process change after this election? Why?

3 B. Inherited Problems What problems did Jefferson inherit when he came into office? How did he want to solve them?

4 C. Inaugural Address Key Points
Jefferson lays out the following principles for his policies while President: More democratic – wanted more of the majority, not just the wealthy, to rule in government. Frugal government – keep taxes and expenses low. Use tax money to pay off debt. No foreign entanglements – who does he get this idea from? Repeal Alien and Sedition Acts.

5 D. Jeffersonian Values Calls his election “the Revolution of 1800” – dramatic change in government. How was his election a major shift in US History? Values: Education for all people Laissez-faire business policy – what does this mean? Agrarian society – what does this mean?

6 E. Marbury v. Madison Under Chief Justice John Marshall
John Adams made many new judicial appointments the night before he left office – called “Midnight Judges” How did Jefferson respond?

7 E. Marbury v. Madison Court decision: Marbury (Midnight Judge) had the right to his appointment Impact: First time the Supreme Court used judicial review to strike down a law. Judicial review: the Supreme Court can review a law and strike it down if it believes it is unconstitutional. VERY IMPORTANT still today for this reason.

8 II. Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency – Foreign Affairs

9 A. Louisiana Purchase In 1803, relations with the U.S. and France had improved. France has a BIG need – What do they need? Why do they need it? Thomas Jefferson helped by purchasing the Louisiana territory from the French. Responsible for about 15 of today’s states at about $0.42 cents/acre. How did this impact the federal government?

10 B. Lewis and Clark Exploration
“Corps of Discovery”- Jefferson sends Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored land in the Louisiana Purchase. Mission: gain an understanding of what the U.S. bought. Guided by a female Indian named Sacagawea. Why was she important for their success?

11 Guided Practice Answer the three questions about each excerpt or picture. Please DO NOT write on the handout sheets.

12 Handout Picture

13 B. Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark fulfilled their mission: discovery of new animals, new people and new landmarks.

14 C. Conflict with Great Britain and France
How did the U.S. first respond to this conflict? 1806 – Both Britain and France become upset with the US. Why? How did they respond?

15 Political Cartoon Analysis
Look at the political cartoon pg. 172 and answer its questions. Who – who or what words, items or phrases are in the artifact? What – what sequence of events is happening or what is being described in the artifact? Why – why was this poster written? What do you think it means? How might some of the items or words be symbolic and mean something else?

16 Was is successful? Why or why not?
D. Embargo Act of 1807 What is the Embargo Act? Why was it passed? Was is successful? Why or why not?

17 Political Cartoon Analysis
What do you see in the picture? What is happening in the picture? What does this political cartoon symbolize? Why would the writer create it?

18 E. Relationship with American Indians
Read Tecumseh’s Protest and answer the guiding questions near the top. Question for once you finish reading: How did most American Indians living in the West feel about Americans at this point in history? Why?

19 Exit Ticket 1)When President Thomas Jefferson stated in 1801, "We are all republicans; we are all democrats," he was referring to what? a. hope that the desire to improve the United States would overcome political party conflict b. exaggerated differences between his political theory and that of Alexander Hamilton c. array of political and social backgrounds present among his Cabinet appointees d. existing similarities between platforms of the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

20 Exit Ticket 2) What was the intent of the Embargo Act and why did it fail? a. It was meant to help Great Britain in its war with France without requiring U.S. troops to fight in the conflict, but it failed because the U.S. became involved with the fighting anyways. b. It was a response to the insult of the “XYZ Affair” but it failed because the U.S. did not have the military strength to back up its actions. c. It was meant to avoid war by forbidding trade between the U.S. and all foreign nations, thus stopping the impressment of U.S. sailors. It failed because it had little effect on Great Britain and hurt the U.S. economy. d. It was meant to keep the French and British from establishing future colonies in the Western Hemisphere, but it failed because Great Britain’s navy was too powerful.

21 3) Why did the War of 1812 begin?
Exit Ticket 3) Why did the War of begin?

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