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Warm-Up What is an object that means a lot to you? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up What is an object that means a lot to you? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up What is an object that means a lot to you? Why?
Root: archaios Meaning: ancient Example: archeology—the study of ancient civilizations

2 Today’s Agenda We will complete benchmark #1
-if you finished Friday, you will read for AR 2. The last 35 minutes of class, we will begin Symbolism

3 Symbolism Activity We will analyze how Macklemore’s music video uses symbolism to get his message across that consumerism is bad. Why? -to see how symbolism impacts films, literature, and music

4 Theme of Consumerism: we idolize products to a point we lose ourselves

5 Warm-Up -Wait for me to show you the video What is his point about symbols?
Prefix: archos Meaning: leader, first, chief Example: archetype—the first (original)

6 Task Find two lines that support the theme of consumerism in terms that we believe an object gives us power? Where in the song, does the tone shift from excitement and happiness to one of shock? Where does the tone of shock turn to a tone of anger? What two pieces of evidence show that people place their dreams in objects making them have a better life? Explain how the symbolism of the Air Jordan's supports the theme that consumerism is a problem?

7 Theme of Consumerism: we idolize products to a point we lose ourselves

8 TODAY WE ARE… Identifying common symbols in literature BECAUSE… Symbols bring a deeper (often hidden) meaning to narratives

While all writers decide what they want their symbol to be in their story, there are a few common or reoccurring symbols (motifs) that are usually well recognized in all literature.

10 Group Symbolism Activity
Read your identified symbol Create a poster that explains to the class the symbols you were given The poster should: -have a visual representation of the symbol -be colorful -synthesize the main points of the symbol

11 You MAY NOT print pictures
Activity Read your symbolism paper (do not write on it) Debrief with your group -discuss symbol -organize who is doing what 3. Sketch out Visual 4. Have Team Leader show sketch to me at back table for approval You MAY NOT print pictures

12 Warm-Up What is one new thing you learned about your symbol? Prefix: audio Meaning: hear Example: auditory-- responsible for hearing

13 Group Symbolism Activity
You MAY NOT print pictures Group Symbolism Activity The poster should: -have a visual representation of the symbol -be colorful -synthesize the main points of the symbol on the poster (writing on the back is ok) CLASS PRESENTATIONS Tomorrow!! No time to work on it in class

14 Warm-Up Based on your own group’s project, what is one new thing you learned? Prefix: auto Meaning: self Example: automatic— to conduct by self

15 PRESENTATIONS Audience Members be respectful and quiet during presentations Fill in your yellow note sheet for each presentation Guiding Point: This is a symbol of_________________

16 On the back of your yellow sheet
1. Write a thorough summary of ALL the symbols you learned about. 2. Which symbol do you like best? Explain why?

17 Warm-Up What did you learn about symbolism this week? What was your favorite symbol and why? No Prefix—TEST DAY

18 VOCAB TEST DAY Place Warm-Ups at center of your seat
2. Take out a new sheet of paper and title it “Vocabulary Test #1” 3. When completed, bring me the materials and read for AR

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