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Extending and enhancing PowerShell features with fantastic results

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1 Extending and enhancing PowerShell features with fantastic results
Rewriting history Extending and enhancing PowerShell features with fantastic results

2 Get-PresenterInfo –Name Kirk
Name : Kirk Munro Title : Director of Learning Solutions Company : Learn on Demand Systems Twitter GitHub :

3 Get-Mission Inspire you by showing you creative ways you can hook tools into PowerShell. Encourage you to add compiled cmdlets and C#/.NET to your skill set.

4 Start-Demo -ShowAndTell
VERBOSE: Many of these features would not be possible without compiled cmdlets.

5 Assert-WhyLearn -Cmdlets
Some very cool things that are only really possible via compiled cmdlets: Proper ScriptBlock parameter usage Derived commands with inheritance Proxy Cmdlets Highly performant commands PowerShell is open source You’re opening yourself up to PowerShell’s full potential

6 Get-Started –With Cmdlets
What you need: Editor to build your project (e.g. Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code, etc.) Microsoft reference assemblies for the minimum PS version you are targeting e.g. Microsoft.PowerShell.*.ReferenceAssemblies Time and patience if this is new to you

7 Start-Demo -CompiledCmdlet
VERBOSE: Don’t be afraid, you’re already part way there!

8 Watch-PS6 PowerShell 6 is cross platform and currently in alpha
You can already compile cmdlets into a single DLL and use that module on multiple platforms (using what is essentially an alias layer) Good time to learn basic compiled cmdlets now, then evolve your skills to cross-platform work

9 Safe travels, and hope to see you next year!
Thank you! Safe travels, and hope to see you next year!

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