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Faculty Focus December 2017 January 2018 ONE TRIBE

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1 Faculty Focus December 2017 January 2018 ONE TRIBE

Field Trips—Be sure you check student attendance with the non-instructional forms. If a student is absent from your class and is not marked absent in classes prior to yours, you should contact Mrs. Humble. Tardies—when you have a student who has reached 6 tardies, you should notify Mr. Thornbury. Hall Passes--students should not be out of your classroom unless there is an emergency. If, however, there is legitimate reason for a student to be out of class, the student must have the completed hall pass. It does not matter if it is just across the hall to get water. The student MUST HAVE A PASS. This is a TEACHER responsibility, not a student responsibility. If a student is called to the front office, even to check-out, the student should have a pass. The front office will return your hall pass.

If you have a CPS system (“clickers”) in your classroom or stored in your cabinet that you are not using, please take it to the media center by the end of this week. The systems were purchased in 2006 and will not work with Windows 10 and need to be recycled. KEEP IT IF YOU USE IT but let Mr. Moat know you have it! We are missing TWO HP STREAMS.  The BOE numbers are and   The BOE stickers will be on the back of the laptop and written on the front.  Please check HP STREAMS in, around, and close to your room for these missing items and take them to the Media Center ASAP if you find them.  

4 Field Trips and Professional Leave
You have been doing an excellent job with getting your Field Trip and Professional Leave forms turned in prior to the deadlines, so “THANK YOU!” Principals have been asked, however, to remind everyone of the guidelines for OVERNIGHT and OUT OF STATE (more than 50 miles) requests. These must be completed and in the BOE packet THE MONTH prior to the actual trip. Items for the BOE packet are due two weeks prior to the actual BOE meeting, so keep this in mind when planning your trips. Please do not send in a field trip request or professional leave form to me for an overnight/out of state trip if it does not meet the deadline to get into the BOE packet the month prior to the trip. The exception to this is only for advancement in competitions. The dates should have already been on the original field trip request form for your season, but the overnight will still need approval. Please complete the field trip and professional leave form immediately following the student’s win so we can get the overnight portion of the trip approved.

5 FOCUS AREA: Improve Literacy
Reciprocal teaching: Several of you have already used this new strategy in your classrooms, and we appreciate your feedback. Please share with others, in your PLCs and on the Weebly, about how successful this strategy has been, how you have “tweaked” it to fit your classes, etc.! GREAT JOB! It is exciting to see so much text annotation taking place in your classrooms. This is a life skill that improves literacy as well as support our students in their post-secondary opportunities.

6 FOCUS AREA: Increase Rigor
Remember—increasing rigor does not mean increasing the amount of work. It means increasing the LEVEL of THINKING the students have to do. Some quick tips: 1—Ask students to justify an answer prior to telling them if the answer is/is not correct. 2—Have students complete error analysis activities after an assessment. 3—HAVE STUDENTS TALK and EXPLAIN MORE THAN YOU TALK and EXPLAIN!!!! 4—Give students a problem to solve, with a few hints, and then step back and let them struggle to find the answer. PRODUCTIVE STRUGGLE IS GOOD!

7 FOCUS AREA: Faculty Attendance Certified Absences Goal: < 400

8 Discipline—Student Referrals Goal: < 300

9 TARDIES Several teachers mentioned in the WEEBLY last time that you would like to know the # of tardies, so I asked Mrs. Mize to start tracking it for us.

10 SRI Data % Proficient and Advanced



13 Don’t forget to post a comment on the weebly!

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