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Presentation on theme: "Histology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Histology

2 Groups of closely related associated cells that are similar in structure and perform a common function are tissue. Cytology – the study of cells Histology – the study of tissue

3 Components of Tissues Cells Extracellular matrix
may be fluid or protein fibers Matrix Cell

4 4 Basic Types of Tissue in Humans
Epithelial tissue Connective tissue 3. Muscle tissue 4. Nervous tissue

5 Muscle Tissue

6 Characteristics highly cellular vascular contractibility

7 3 Types of Muscle Tissue:
3. Smooth 2. Cardiac 1. Skeletal

8 1. Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Movement Voluntary Multinucleated Striated – banded

9 2. Cardiac Muscle Tissue Heart only Pumps Involuntary

10 2. Cardiac Muscle Tissue Striated
Intercalated disks – connects cell to cell

11 3. Smooth Muscle Tissue lacks striations involuntary

12 3. Smooth Muscle Tissue walls of hollow organs
ex: - GI tract - urinary tracts - uterus arteries






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