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Quantitative Detection of Parkinson's Disease Symptoms

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1 Quantitative Detection of Parkinson's Disease Symptoms
Advisor: Dr. Chris Kao Project Team: Kylen Bares Eddie Cao

2 Dr. Changquing (Chris) Kao, M.D., Ph.D.
Research Associate Professor in Department of Neurosurgery at Vanderbilt University Clinical interest: Microelectrode brain mapping for target localization of deep brain stimulation treatment of movement disorders Research focus: Electrophysiology in nerve stimulation, epilepsy, pain control and head injury

3 What is Parkinson’s Disease?
Neurodegenerative disorder caused by damaged or dead dopamine-neurons in the substantia nigra Dopamine: neurotransmitter that carries information from neuron to neuron and eventually out to the muscles Brain no longer able to direct or control muscle movement in a normal manner. Half a million people every year are affected by Parkinson’s

4 Symptoms Tremor or trembling in hands, arms, legs, jaw, and face
Rigidity or stiffness of the limbs and trunk Slowness of motor movements Postural instability or impaired balance and coordination Reduced blink rate of eyes


6 Treatment Drugs: Levodopa/ L-Dopa Drugs designed to mimic dopamine effects or counteract acetylcholine effects Pallidotomy: Section of globus pallidus removed Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) : Implants stimulators that block brain signals causing rigidity, tremors and other symptoms

7 Our Device A pneumatic-actuated frame that fits around the right arm
- uses air pressure for individual flexion of the fingers, hand, and forearm - measures the pressure exerted on the actuator piston - this pressure corresponds to the force needed to move the arm and, therefore, the rigidity of the arm muscles

8 Our Device Composed of two main parts Control Box Arm frame
Contains the pneumatic valves and pressure manifold Arm frame Encloses the arm and translates motion of pneumatic cylinder into motion of arm

9 Current Status Acquired materials for control box and pneumatic actuators for arm frame Control box is almost completed Designing the arm frame

10 Future Work Refine prototype design with the help of Dr. Chris Kao
View a Deep Brain Stimulation procedure Complete construction of the control box Finish design and mock-up of the arm frame Test arm frame on control and Parkinson’s groups

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