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Smart Actuator Screen Guide

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1 Smart Actuator Screen Guide

2 How to Navigate Your Actuator
Smart ON /OFF Modulating Command Is the control signal, being either “ON” or “OFF”, signifying open or close, respectively. SetV The position that the actuator is being set to. SetV: Proportional to working angle of the actuator ( position the actuator is set too ) Angle: Current Position Angle The valve position, measured by a percentage of the working angle. Angle The valve position, measured by a percentage of the working angle.

3 Smart Actuators have two different Control Menus
Common Screens Across the Series Smart Actuators have two different Control Menus User Setting Menu To access the User Setting Menu, hold the “M” button for 3 seconds enter the password 333 The User Setting Menu is the primary menu for changing settings on the actuator. Manual Control Menu To access the Local Manual Control, hold the “K3” button for 3 seconds enter the password 111 This allows user to digitally control the actuator without using an Allen key.

4 Common Screens Across the Series
Display Mode Changes the actuator’s language between English and Chinese. Use K3 to toggle between the two Control Mode / Command Swap Lets the user toggle between a direct or reversed control signal. Direct 4mA: Closed 20mA: Opened Reversed 4mA: Opened 20mA: Closed Always Set to English. Any Changes made to Control Mode/ Command Swap will affect Close Position Adjust, 4mA/0V, 20mA/10V, Loss of Signal, and Loss of Power. *Note: Any Changes made to Control Mode/ Command Swap will affect Close Position Adjust, 4mA/0V, or 20mA/10V

5 Common Screens Across the Series
Hysteresis Allows the user to compensate for lag between clockwise and counterclockwise rotations. Dead Zone Adjusts the accuracy of the valve. Example: The actuator is given a full open signal of 100%. It has a Dead Zone setting of 0.9%. The actuator will accept any position from 99.1% to 100.9%. Example: Hysteresis is set to 5.5%, the actuator will move 5.5% BEFORE it starts registering that it’s moving from 0% to 100%. Hysteresis: Trail and error, to set it correctly. It will compensate for any lag between the actuator drive and the ball valve shaft. Dead Zone: Overall Responsiveness to the signal input at time of travel. The higher the dead zone setting the less sensitive it will be when receiving an input signal. The lower the dead zone setting the more sensitive it will be when receiving an input signal. The lower the setting is the higher the chance of dithering or chattering. This is helpful for reducing issues, such as hunting, or to make the actuator more accurate for specific systems.

6 SMART Models Allow Users to Adjust the “Working Angle” Via...
Smart ON /OFF Modulating Close Position Adjust Changes the actuator’s closed position. Position at 4mA/0V Sets the actuator’s position when it receives a 4mA or 0V control signal. OR Position at 20mA/10V Sets the actuator’s position when it receives a 20mA or 10V signal. Close Position Adjust: Will help fix any discrepancies between the ball valve body and the ball. ( Only Smart ON/OFF Models ) Regardless of the actuator’s control signal this is helpful if there are any discrepancies between the ball and the valve body, or to create a seal on a butterfly valve.

7 This function controls the speed of the motor.
Smart ON / OFF ONLY Screens Speed Pulse Control Speed PWM Control Speed PWM also allows the user to decrease an actuators working speed by continuously slowing down the actuator. Its different from Speed Pulse Control because Speed PWM Control is a continuous signal rather than a series of starts and stops. This function controls the speed of the motor. Speed Pulse allows the user to decrease an actuators working speed. This is done by “pulsing” the actuator. By stopping and starting the actuator to reach the desired cycle time. Speed Pulse Control is effected by Speed PWM Control. Speed PWM Control effects the actual motor speed. Both functions are used to SLOW DOWN an actuators working speed. Speed Pulse Controls – Controls Working Speed The higher the percentage is the faster it will switch from off to on while pulsing. ( At 100% it will not pulse ) The lower the percentage is the slower it will switch from off to on while pulsing, thus decreasing its working speed. Speed PWM Controls – Controls the Motor The higher the percentage is the faster the actuator will travel. The lower the percentage is set the slower the rotating speed becomes. *Note: Can be used to slow down a 1 sec actuation time

8 The actuator cannot go faster than its rated cycle time.
Modulating ONLY Screens Maximum Speed Manual Speed Adjust Sets the actuators speed while in Local Manual Control. This allows for finer control when in Local Manual Control. Sets the maximum speed the actuator will allow itself to achieve. Maximum Speed at 100% is the actuator’s rated cycle time. The actuator cannot go faster than its rated cycle time. Actuators Max speed is dependent on the model. Manual Speed Adjust : Only while in Local Manual Control *New Screen*

9 Modulating ONLY Screens
Minimum Speed Range Adjust Before the actuator hits its final position, it can be slowed down. Changing this setting can help the actuator be more accurate or reduce any overshooting that might occur on high speed models. Minimum Speed sets the lowest speed at which the actuator will reach its end of travel. Sets the range, in percentage, the actuator will decelerate for. During this time the actuator will decelerate to its “Minimum Speed” This can be adjusted to reduce dithering and improve accuracy. Minimum Speed : Is it the speed you want your actuator to start breaking before reaching its final position. Range Adjust: Is the distance your actuator decelerates for between max speed and min speed. *Note: That Minimum Speed cannot exceed the Maximum Speed. *Note: A higher a Range Adjust setting may lower speed/cycle times.

10 Modulating ONLY Screens
No Control Action Controls how the actuator will act upon loss of signal. Actuators can be set to either Open, Close, or Keep. *Note that Control Mode effects this function. Hysteresis Toggle Turns the Hysteresis Adjustment setting On or Off. If Hysteresis Toggle is turned “Off”, then the actuator will ignore the Hysteresis Adjustment setting and not adjust for hysteresis. UserSET IsGO_Hyste: XX *Note: This is not the same as “Power Down Action”, which is how the actuator will react upon power loss. ( Only On FailSafe ) No Control Action: Actuator is receiving power but not a signal input. Hysteresis Toggle: Not all models have this, newer firmware only. *New Screen*

11 Modulating ONLY Screens
For Series 60 and 110 Actuators: 4-20mA/0-10V Swap Two Types of Feedback Output Feedback at 4mA/0V Series 60 and 110 actuators have the capability to accept both a 4-20mA and volt signal. Series 60 and 110 actuators also accept a 0-20mA signal and a 2-10V signal Sets the feedback signal at 4mA/0V that returns to the controller or PLC. OR Output Feedback at 20mA/10V Sets the feedback signal at 20mA/10V that returns to the controller or PLC. Output feedbacks depend on the actuators postion. 60/110 The wiring is different for each input signal. Refer to wiring diagrams for more information. *Note: The wiring is different for each input signal. Refer to wiring diagrams for more information.

12 *Note: Factory default is 95%
Failsafe Features on Smart ON /Off & Modulating Actuators Capacitor/Battery Charge This sets the percentage for the capacitor or battery to charge before the actuator becomes usable. This can be lowered so that a customer can have access to the valve in a shorter amount of time when the actuator power is restored. This has a minimum value of 60% to ensure the actuator can fully function during power loss. UserSET CapCharge: XXX *60/110 Models may take up 20 mins to charge. *Note: Factory default is 95%

13 Failsafe Features on Smart ON /Off & Modulating Actuators
Power Down Action Stall Time Controls how the actuator will act upon power loss. This can be set to either Fail Open, Fail Close, or Fail Keep. Sets the allowed time that the actuators will work to overcome a possible alert state. Stall Time: The larger the stall time is set too the longer the actuator will try and compensate for any alerts. Power Down Action: OPEN/ CLOSE/ or KEEP. *Note: Command Swap effects this function. *Note: The working range is measured in seconds

14 Failsafe Features on Smart ON /Off & Modulating Actuators
Motor Lock: Only ON 60/110 Brake Delay Prohibits the user from manually adjusting the actuators position while in failsafe mode. This can prevent tampering with a fail closed or open actuator when power has shut down. Sets the time from when the actuator reaches its intended position and when the motor stops. Brake Delay is measured in milliseconds. *Note: In higher torque applications, it is beneficial to have a higher brake delay to ensure that the actuator is able overcome that high torque and reach its position. *Note: This is similar to the EBVB Manual/Auto switch, however it applies only on power loss. Motor Lock : While in failsafe mode cant be manually overridden with Allen, you can still override it with local manual control. Break delay: In higher torque applications, it is beneficial to have a higher brake delay to ensure that the actuator is able overcome that high torque and reach its position. The User the does not have to adjust this Parameter. *New Screen* *New Screen*

15 Exit User Setting Menu The final screen allows the user to exit the User Setting Menu. *Note: Settings are saved once the user goes to the next screen. Make sure you know what you changed before exiting the menu. If big mistake it made try factory resetting the actuator ( This does not change Speed Values ) DO NOT SHARE PASSWORD WITH ANYONE UNLESS ABSOLUTLY NESSESARY !!!!!

16 If you need assistance with any Basiks® Actuator, please contact our Technical Group at Basiks is a value line of Plast-O-Matic Valves, Inc. Photos/Illustrations are representative and may vary.

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