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Microsoft PowerPoint Skills Lesson: Motion Paths

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1 Microsoft PowerPoint Skills Lesson: Motion Paths

2 Motion Path Task You are going to use motion paths to create a mini animation of your choice. You can have a basketball going into a hoop, a foot kicking a soccer ball, a dart flying into a dart board…whatever you want. We will also add sound effects to our motion path animations I’ve given you an example on slide 20 Save the file as “Last Name + First Name + Motion Paths” and send it to me for grading © Daniel Goldman, 2016

3 Let’s Get Started We are going to make a foot kick a ball. Let’s get a picture of each (from google, and we use images labeled for reuse so we don’t infringe on any copyrights). Search for a transparent picture (Google Image Search Tools) © Daniel Goldman, 2016

4 © Daniel Goldman, 2016

5 First Motion Path Animation
We will select the foot picture and in the animations tab add an animation. (We also always open the animation pane when working with animations, so do that). Choose custom motion path animation from the motion path group. Your cursor turns into a crosshair (plus sign) Click in the middle of the foot image (not the middle of the foot, the middle of the image) and hold the mouse down. Drag the mouse back to simulate the foot swinging back. Then drag the mouse forward to simulate the foot swinging forward. When you are done drawing the foot’s custom motion path animation, click the escape key on the keyboard In the animation pane play a preview of how the animation looks If you don’t like the way it looks, delete the custom motion path you drew and try again. © Daniel Goldman, 2016

6 © Daniel Goldman, 2016

7 Set Timings Now let’s make that custom motion path foot animation play on it’s own without having to click anything In the animations tab, in the animation pane, click on the foot’s animation. With that selected now, in the animations tab, in the timing group in the ribbon, set the animation to start With Previous (when the slide comes on the screen). If you want the animation to go slower or faster, adjust the duration in the timings group in the ribbon This has been completed on slide 8 © Daniel Goldman, 2016

8 © Daniel Goldman, 2016

9 Add Sound Effects Now let’s make that foot animation have a sound.
In the animations tab, in the animation pane, click on the foot animation’s drop down menu and choose Effect Options. In the Effect option tab of the pop-up window choose “Drum Roll” in the Sound drop-down menu © Daniel Goldman, 2016

10 © Daniel Goldman, 2016

11 Add a Motion Path For The Soccer Ball
Now select the ball picture and in the animations tab add an animation. (We also always open the animation pane when working with animations, so do that). Choose line motion path animation from the motion path group. Unlike custom motion paths, the other motion path choices have default paths. This line path moves the ball down in a straight line. No worries, let’s change that. Click the red arrow (it should become a red circle) that denotes the end of the line motion path and drag it off the left side of the screen telling PowerPoint to send the ball on a path to left in a straight line off the screen In the animation pane play a preview of how the animation looks If you don’t like the way it looks, delete the custom motion path you drew and try again. © Daniel Goldman, 2016

12 © Daniel Goldman, 2016

13 Set Timings for the Soccer Ball Motion Path
Now let’s make that soccer ball animation go on it’s own without having to click anything In the animations tab, in the animation pane, click on the ball’s animation. With that selected now, in the animations tab, in the timing group in the ribbon, set the animation to start After Previous (after the foot animation comes to an end). If you want the animation to go slower or faster, adjust the duration in the timings group in the ribbon © Daniel Goldman, 2016

14 © Daniel Goldman, 2016

15 Add Sound Effects to the Soccer Ball Animation
Now let’s make that soccer ball animation have a sound. In the animations tab, in the animation pane, click on the soccer ball’s animation drop down menu (the second animation in the animation pane) and choose Effect Options. In the Effect option tab of the pop-up window choose “Bomb” in the Sound drop- down menu © Daniel Goldman, 2016

16 © Daniel Goldman, 2016

17 Smooth Starts and Ends Everything looks good but not perfect. Notice how each animation slowly starts and stops? Kind of like how a car slows down before stopping at a red light. Let’s get rid of these smooth starts and ends so our animations look even better. Go back to each animation separately in the animation pane, click on each animation drop down menu and choose Effect Options again. In the Effect option tab of the pop-up window change the smooth start and ends to 0 seconds. © Daniel Goldman, 2016

18 © Daniel Goldman, 2016

19 Your Turn! So what kind of motion path project are you going to create? Sample on the next slide © Daniel Goldman, 2016


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