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make VB ~ Vdd-2|Vtp| to Vdd-2|Vtp|-Veff

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Presentation on theme: "make VB ~ Vdd-2|Vtp| to Vdd-2|Vtp|-Veff"— Presentation transcript:

1 make VB ~ Vdd-2|Vtp| to Vdd-2|Vtp|-Veff
Start-up When Vd4=Vg4 > Vdd-|Vtp|, want Ms on When Vd4=Vg4 < Vdd-|Vtp|, want Ms off make VB ~ Vdd-2|Vtp| to Vdd-2|Vtp|-Veff Also make IQ in right branch to be very small. VDD VDD VDD M3 M4 VB Ms M1 M2

2 Temperature independent reference
Generate a negatively PTAT (Proportional To Absolute Temperature) and a positively PTAT quantities and sum them appropriately. X can be voltage or current

3 Bandgap voltage reference
Chapter 7 Figure 09 Works in bipolar or BiCMOS

4 A Common way of bandgap reference
This is easily available in digital CMOS DVBE  kT/q

5 VBE has negative temp coeff at roughly -2
VBE has negative temp coeff at roughly -2.2 mV/°C at room temperature, called CTAT or NTAT Vt = kT/q is PTAT that has a temperature coefficient of mV/°C at room temperature. Multiply Vt by a constant K and sum it with the VBE to get VREF = VBE + KVt If K is right (2.2/0.08526), temperature coefficient can be zero.

6 In general, use VBE + VPTAT

7 Bandgap reference still varies a little with temp

8 How to get Bipolar in CMOS?

9 Layout P-active is E N-well is B P-substrate is C Tie both n-well and p-substrate to Vss Issues: this will not pass LVS Cadence does not know how to simulate

10 DVbe = ln(n)kT/q 1:1 1:1 Vref = xDVbe + Vbe = xln(n)kT/q + Vbe + +
VDD VDD VDD 1:1 1:1 Dvbe/R - + Dvbe/R Vref = xDVbe + Vbe = xln(n)kT/q + Vbe = xln(n) Vbe1 + - + - R DVbe xR xDVbe Vbe2 Q nQ nQ IseVbe1/vth nIseVbe2/vth =

11 VDD VDD VDD 1:1 1:1 - + Vref R xR Q 8Q 8Q

12 Design Steps Convenient ratio: n=8
Select desired current I (e.g. 10 uA) Select R by making I = ln(n)kT/q/R  R = ln(8)*26mV/10uA Select xR to make Vref = 1.26 V  x = 0.65V/26mV/ln(8) Trim xR to make Vref correct

13 Adding more degrees of freedom
VDD VDD VDD m:1 1:r - + Vref R xR Q nQ nQ

14 R1 and R3 equal and equal to xR2
Q2 = nQ1 Design steps are identical to before. Chapter 7 Figure 13

15 These are popular structures, but not doable in CMOS
Chapter 7 Figure 11 These are popular structures, but not doable in CMOS Chapter 7 Figure 10

16 Cascoded CM Cascoded CG amplifier

17 Chapter 7 Figure 15

18 Banba, Hironori, Hitoshi Shiga, Akira Umezawa, Takeshi Miyaba, Toru Tanzawa, Shigeru Atsumi, and Koji Sakui. "A CMOS bandgap reference circuit with sub-1-V operation." Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of 34, no. 5 (1999):


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