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13 English Colonies in America

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1 13 English Colonies in America
What is a colony? A group of people from the same country who live in another place to make the “Mother Country” better. The English Colonies settled on the Eastern coast of North America, set between the Atlantic Ocean and the Appalachian Mountains

2 Regional Differences The 13 Colonies are divided into 3 sections/regions due to differences in geography, weather or climatic conditions, industry, and the manner of living of the people. Setting the stage for the rest of the year.

3 13 Colonies

4 New England Colonies (4)
Massachusetts- Plymouth New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut

5 New England


7 New England Colonies- Key Aspects
Rocky soil due to glacial effects of earlier ice ages. Land is not very fertile. Wet and cold climate with a short growing season. Fast flowing rivers that helped power mills/factories. Several good natural harbors areas for ships.

8 New England Colonies- Key Aspects
Small farms due to the poor farm conditions. Lived off the sea and land. Fishing , shipbuilding, and logging became a major part of the region. Industrial area. Manufacturing. Independent minded people. Strong feelings of self-government. Deeply religious area.

9 Middle Colonies (4) New York Pennsylvania Delaware New Jersey

10 Middle Colonies- Key Aspects
The “Mixture Colonies”. Combines features of both the New England and Southern Colonies. Diverse population with many nationalities. Combination of manufacturing and farming. AKA the “Bread Colonies”. Production of wheat, rye, barley, corn and fruit. The main manufacturing area: cloth, woolens, flour, guns, wagons, tools, and various iron products. Some of the largest cities: New York, Philadelphia

11 Middle Colonies- Key Aspects

12 Southern Colonies (5) Virginia- Jamestown Maryland North Carolina
South Carolina Georgia

13 Southern Colonies- Key Aspects

14 Southern Colonies- Key Aspects
Land and the climate are great for farming. The best agricultural area of the 3 regions. #1 cash crop- tobacco. Other crops: indigo (a blue dye), rice. Cash crops- mostly sold to England. Mostly small farms, but some large scale plantations. Spread out communities. Slave labor grew with the development of cash crops. Few large cities.

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