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<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007

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1 <month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Energy Saving protocol for Mesh networks] Date Submitted: [Sept 2007] Source: [Tae Rim Park*, Myung Lee*, Jaehong Ryu**] Company [*CUNY, **ETRI] Address [Electrical Engineering, Steinman Hall, 140th St & Convent Ave, New York, NY 10031, USA] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [] Abstract: [This proposal discusses power saving issue arising in IEEE WPAN Mesh] Purpose: [This proposal is provided for the discussion for IEEE WPAN Mesh] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

2 Energy Saving Protocol for Mesh Networks
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Energy Saving Protocol for Mesh Networks Tae Rim Park, Myung J. Lee, Jaehong Ryu CUNY, ETRI Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

3 <month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Objectives To propose a power saving solution for the current IEEE draft. Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

4 Proposal Outline Design consideration
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Proposal Outline Design consideration Energy saving protocol for mesh networks Concept Detailed protocol Evaluation Summary Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

5 Long Battery Life Two AA batteries
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Long Battery Life Two AA batteries 2000 mA-hr Energy consumption of cc2420 (from datasheet) Tx; 17.4 mA Rx, Idle listening; 19.7 mA Idle; 0.4 mA Power down; 0.02mA Trun on/Wakeup/active; Tx, Rx, Idle listening, Trun off/Sleep/inactive; Idle When a device turns on the transceiver w/o any other component (ex. 4Mhz Atmega128L:5.5mA, MSP430:2mA) 3~5 days  Minimizing active time is the key! Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

6 Design Consideration Mesh layer solution based on IEEE 802.15.4-2006
doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Design Consideration Mesh layer solution based on IEEE Supporting long battery life Two AA batteries, 1year Flexible active time End-to-end latency constraint Synchronous usually has longer latency Considering receiver energy consumption Tree relation Easy implementation Tae Rim Park

7 Mesh Layer Solution Control methods Timing problem Standard primitive
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Mesh Layer Solution Control methods Standard primitive MCPS-DATA/PURGE MLME-SET/GET Can not use information inside MAC if it is not provided by MAC PIB Can not add MAC control frames Timing problem Can not guarantee response time Ex. The time from calling MCPS-DATA.request to starting backoff Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

8 ESM Overview Energy Saving protocol for Mesh networks Requirement
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 ESM Overview Energy Saving protocol for Mesh networks Requirement Timer of 1ms resolution Prompt cooperation of MAC Features Asynchronous wakeup Receiver oriented Communication are allowed within receiver’s active duration Flexible active duration Extensible Schedule optimization Local synchronization Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

9 ESM Unicast <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-05-0000-00-0000
Sept 2007 ESM Unicast Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

10 ESM Broadcast Same as LPE and LPEA (known as XMAC) <month year>
doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 ESM Broadcast Same as LPE and LPEA (known as XMAC) Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

11 ESM Details Three state machines for normal operation 3 control frames
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 ESM Details Three state machines for normal operation 3 control frames Two data transmission methods Receiver oriented unicast Transmitter oriented broadcast Variable & constant Higher layer decision Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

12 Three Normal State Machines
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Three Normal State Machines Periodic events Reception events Transmission events Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

13 Variables and Constants
Sept 2007 Variables and Constants MeshESMOn meshBaseActiveDuration; 5ms meshWakeupOrder (WO); 0~14 meshActiveOrder (AO); 0~14 meshDestActiveOrder meshWRWaitTime meshDataTimeout Tae Rim Park

14 Command Frame Sub-type
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Command Frames Wakeup Notification (0x0D) macMinBE; 1, macMaxCsmaBackoffs; 0, macMaxFrameRetries; 0, 1 byte command payload b7~b4; WO, b4~b0; AO Extension REQuest (0x0B) macMaxCsmaBackoffs; 0, macMaxFrameRetries; 0 Extension REPonse (0x0C) Octets: 2 Variable (6) 1 Variable (1) Frame Control Routing Fields Command Frame Sub-type Command Payload Mesh sublayer Header Mesh sublayer Payload Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

15 Frame Transmission Data frame ESM command frame 15.5 command frame
Sept 2007 Frame Transmission Data frame ESM unicast; Retry control within receiver’s active time ESM broadcast ESM command frame MAC broadcast No retry if channel is busy WN; backoff exponent (1) 15.5 command frame ESM unicast or broadcast MAC command frame Beacon; no control Beacon request; ESM broadcast Association req, disassociate notification, orphan notification, coord realignment; ESM unicast Data request, Association response; 15.4 unicast Tae Rim Park

16 Association Active scan Association request
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Association Active scan Beacon request with ESM broadcast One scan request for one channel Association request ESM unicast Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

17 <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-05-0000-00-0000 Sept 2007
Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

18 ESM Evaluation Active ratio Star topology (emulating sink tree)
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 ESM Evaluation Active ratio Turn on time/time spent Star topology (emulating sink tree) Three transmitters and one receiver Traffic Unicast and broadcast Data frame: 50 byte, EREQ/EREP: 27 bytes, WN: 28 bytes Arrival rate: 0.01 to fr/s (100s to 13.3 min) Exp Micaz, Chipcon engine base 600~800s experiment time Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

19 <month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Analysis rb=0 rb= TminAD; minimum active duration tWI: wakeup interval r ; arrival rate TT; Time duration for transmission Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

20 Experiment Margin; 1~2 ms Active durations of LPE: LPEA: ESM = 6:10:8
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Experiment rb= rb=0 Margin; 1~2 ms Active durations of LPE: LPEA: ESM = 6:10:8 Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

21 Summary To get long battery life Mesh layer solution ESM
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Summary To get long battery life Minimizing active time Accepting trade off relation Mesh layer solution With only standard primitives Asynchronous algorithms is better to implement ESM Asyn and flexible frame work for sensor networks 15.5 addition & modification Can be a good solution Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

22 Asynchronous Protocols
<month year> doc.: IEEE Sept 2007 Asynchronous Protocols LPE (BMAC) LPEA (XMAC) Tae Rim Park Tae Rim Park

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