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Balance of Payments Contents Introduction Components of balance of Payments.

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Presentation on theme: "Balance of Payments Contents Introduction Components of balance of Payments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance of Payments Contents Introduction Components of balance of Payments

2 Foreign Trade Import and Export of goods and services Balance of Payments Introduction

3 Payments are made in exchange of Imports Payments are received in exchange of Exports. Balance of Payments Introduction

4 Payments are debited Receipts are debited Balance of Payment - Definition Balance of Payment - Definition Balance of Payments Introduction

5 Payments are debitedReceipts are credited Balance of Payment - Definition Balance of Payment - Definition Balance of Payments (BOP) refers to the statements of accounts recording economic transactions of a country with rest of the world. Balance of Payments Introduction

6 Capital Account Capital Account Components of Balance of Payments Current Account Current Account Balance of Payments Components of Balance of Payments

7 Capital Account Capital Account Components of Balance of Payments Current Account Current Account Balance of Payments Components of Balance of Payments

8 Financial investment flows E.g. Inflows of money from overseas into government bonds, property. $ Components Capital Account

9 Banking capital transactions of external financial assets and liabilities. E.g. NRI Deposits. Components Capital Account

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